Friday, June 17, 2005


I wrote in wet concrete today. Just my initials. Should have been something slightly more profound, but that'll do for now. I'm sure that handy stick is still sitting in the gutter, and it will be wet concrete for a few more hours.

A good walk home. A good walk for thinking. Came up with a character. To put in place someone else's character, actually. But you never know. I might have to wait to use it. But it's there.

It occured to me this morning that I would like to write someone evil. Sharp. Someone with bite, even. Started tinkering with a character, but it's not terribly appropriate for what I'm writing at the moment. But, we shall see.

I'm thinking too much, today. This is why I've created this, I suppose. To muse.

(And I borrowed a lovely template, thank you Rian.)

I recorded my dream first thing today. Caught it, too. I remember swimming underwater. I was trying to swim in a tunnel, feeling the fluttering feet of the person swimming before me brush against my fingertips. The tunnel was more of a gate, actually. There was a stone wall built within a natural lake in the mountains. And a Prince's son, locked in a cage underwater. We had to ask him why he was there, and that would solve the riddle. Before that, a river dividing two green banks. On one side was danger, but it was unseen. And I planted a carrot beside the bank. It grew.

Ah, dreams. I've been dreaming a lot, lately. Need to write them down.

This afternoon, I shall write something edgy.


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