Monday, April 06, 2009

Actually, I could be a zombie

I'm thinking, following the advice of some fellow writers, that I should probably stop posting bits of poetry up here. Well, things that I intend to submit, anyway. I'll probably still throw up some scraps. I've been writing bits and pieces lately, but the last few days have been sort of busy, and I'm excruciatingly tired tonight. I suspect that what I really need to do is to sleep, or perhaps watch some Buffy and lay about for a while, then sleep.

Ah. This has been a strange few days. My weekend was great, but sort of off-kilter. I think I need to displace some of my rituals. Perhaps they're hemming me in.

Too tired to muse. Rah, bed.


At 10:48 pm, Blogger Tran said...

I was very proud of your 'lights out' time tonight, I think it was actually the earliest I've ever seen you going to sleep.

At 10:49 pm, Blogger Tran said...

I just reread that, I sound like a stalker who's watching you sleep. I wasn't by the way.

At 7:39 am, Blogger Emma said...

This, after making jokes (before I went to bed) about watching me sleep... I'm sensing a theme here, Tranter.

At 7:56 pm, Blogger keppet said...

Weird 'cos I've had stalkers on my mind of late.

Why should you stop posting poetry?

At 10:03 pm, Blogger Emma said...

Because it's considered to be out in the world if it's on a blog, and the journals don't like that. I guess because people can trawl and steal things and pass them off as their own.

I was actually thinking that I might do a bit of an email if people want to read things. Would you like me to keep you posted on what I'm writing?


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