Tuesday, April 07, 2009

A One-Woman Cello Version of Time is Running Out. Ah.

I fucking love Zoe Keating.

I saw this in Melbourne when she toured with Amanda Palmer, and it was absolutely beautiful. It's such a pity that events conspired against us in Brisbane and we missed her opening. I would have loved to hear this with Q.


At 9:03 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey hi Emma!

Someone on the Howe board is writing stories like you do and she recently talked about this website where a contest is going on :

maybe you've heard of it, and maybe not. It's still time to enter I think, if you're interested!

hope everything is ok with you!!
Big hugs

At 7:31 am, Blogger Emma said...

Nadine! Great to see you! Well, 'see' you... *grin*

Thanks so much for the link! Everything is OK with me, thank you for asking!

Everything well at your end? I'm so jealous that you can visit Kepp, by the way...


At 9:36 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooh my god oh my god you can 'see' me? ooh. *laughs*

I'm ok. Spring is there and sunshine and warm temperatures are coming back, it's good.

oh yes, I'm very lucky to have Kepp coming around. This is just so fantastic I'm sometimes pinching myself to see if I'm not dreaming. It's good to have Hobblings around.

Have a good weekend! *waves*


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