Saturday, December 24, 2005

Happiness Is...

  • A long lazy afternoon of music with the sun setting over the gum trees on the horizon.
  • Having three days off from the Christmas rush, and finally getting all of your present shopping done.
  • Waking up the person you're completely, madly in love with and listening to them make sleepy noises.
  • Babysitting a present that just happens to be a tiny gorgeous kitten.
  • Eating fresh cherries.
  • Finding out that your mother has a massive girl-crush.
  • Hearing a favourite song coming out of nowhere on the radio.
  • Puppy kisses from a very excited dog who has just had a haircut.
  • Planning to see Narnia with your favourite movie buddy. (In this case, my Grandma.)
  • Waking up hangover-free from a bloody fantastic night of pissed-dancing and merriment with people from work.

Yes, I am a very happy girl today.


At 7:50 pm, Blogger Jess said...

Hee hee hee. Who does Em's mother lust over?

At 12:53 pm, Blogger Emma said...

Well, I don't know if my blog is a place for such comments... I'll tell you next time I see you online?

Someone I work with.

At 8:30 pm, Blogger Jess said...

Heh, ok.


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