Sunday, December 11, 2005


I woke up this morning with the dog sleeping on me and a very sore back from sleeping on the futon. Mum had foolishly left her bed unguarded, so I jumped in there while she was off getting the paper. When I finally got up, she was swearing at a bowl of cream that refused to whip. The cake the she was making was in trouble, but she fixed it with chocolate buttons. It was damn tasty in the end, too. Yum. She took one look at the state of my tatty jeans and threw me into the car so she could buy me some decent ones. Mum tried to make me wear girly pants. Hah. I got some manish jeans. They actually looked really nice. (And she's just finished taking them up for me. Aww.)

We drove to Bendigo and found the boys, who had been rescued from the train station by my Grandma. We sat down and had a drink, getting up to say hello to the various relatives who rocked up. I got asked for ID at the bar. Do I look 17? Jesus... I looked faintly shocked and told the girl that this was my 21st lunch. She actually blushed. That was sort of funny. Then, we ate massive lunches and took photos until the cake came out. We ate cake, and sat around looking fat for a while. James and Eck and Sean were all being faintly smutty. Hee! I'm so glad they came.

We all went 'round to Uncle Ern's place, but Dale thought we were going to Grandma's, and drove way ahead.

'Aren't you following Grandma?' I asked over the very loud music. He swore and pulled over, and Grandma came and rescued us.

It was so smegging hot today. We drove home with all of the windows down. Dale put an ice cube down my top. Bloody brothers...

Photos are coming...


At 11:55 pm, Blogger keppet said...

You said smeg.


At 12:12 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

Sounds fab, Em! :)

I so can't imagine having my birthday in summer, though. Argh. I am mightily glad it's winter in my hemisphere. I'd LOATHE hot weather on my birthday.

Snowy birthdays are the absolute best, though. I miss them.


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