Sunday, July 30, 2006

Do My Feet Look Fat In These?

Weeee, new shoes.

Don't think I'm a famewhore, I just wanted to know if I look mannish in my new Birkenstocks.


(Also, now you see my weird toes. *sigh* Why do I put things like this up on the internet? And Jes, before you say anything, my second toes do not normally poke past my big ones. That's just an angle issue. So ner.)


At 6:10 am, Blogger Jim's Blog said...

You have Mortons toe, so do I it was discovered back when. It means your second toe is longer than your big toe. Runners magizine had an article long time ago. Not bad.

At 6:52 am, Blogger Emma said...

I do not have Morton's toe! It's the angle! I said that already!

*sniffles and hides from Jim and his blog*

At 9:44 am, Blogger Emano said...

Those definitely do not look like man's feet.

At 2:31 pm, Blogger daisy said...

Nope, you have very feminine toenails. And men's feet are rarely so hairless.

At 5:09 pm, Blogger H said...

Did you used to wear pointy shoes? Definately look like feet of a fully diploid human (XX, not XY that is)

At 7:46 pm, Blogger Jess said...

Bwah ha ha! You're such a tourist. *pokes out tongue*

And I don't believe you on the toe thing either. Jim's got it down.

At 12:01 am, Blogger Emma said...

No, seriously, Jes! They don't poke out further! I'll prove it in NY.

At 4:41 am, Blogger skittledog said...

Can anyone hack into Em's computer and see if she's booked an appointment with a toe amputator (oh, imagine if there were such people) before NY?


Just enjoying the attention being paid to someone else's freaky appendages...

At 7:45 pm, Blogger Jess said...

*chuckles* Em's toes are officially freaky now?

At 7:47 pm, Blogger No said...

I'd agree with everyone else, you don't have men's feet. But I do think the 'sandals' look a bit mannish tho.
But what do you care? Just enjoy them, and if you're comfortable in them, it's all that matters.

At 12:00 am, Blogger Emma said...

My toes have always been freaky. *grin*

At 1:49 am, Blogger La Tulipe said...

Rian...Rian cann breathe!

Quick! Quick Toe-To-Mouth...

Eh. Nevermind.

Emma's feet do not look at all mannish. Although the sandals look uncomfortable. Are the comfortable.

And who is Jim?

At 11:55 am, Blogger Ata said...

They're not weird toes. They're graceful toes.

At 6:33 pm, Blogger myo said...

Now myo knows what Birkenstocks look like.

At 4:29 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

They're nice toes. I think you have rather elegant feet, Em.

Hmm... the sandals do look a tad uncomfy and a little on the blokeish side, but hey, what do I know? I like my sandals to be either as inconspicuous as possible (ie a sole strapped to my feet by a mere thread) or sparkly with lots of beads and sequins. So if they work for you, they're probably fab. :)

At 5:36 am, Blogger Emma said...

Hah, blokish. *grins* Well, they're hardly dainty little things, but I was after something a little more... sturdy, so never mind.

And yeah, they're slightly uncomfortable, but only because my feet rub on the little inside ridge... Aside from that, they're pretty comfy. I'm sure I'll break 'em in soon.


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