Friday, July 28, 2006

Lakes and Everything Else

So, what have I been doing lately? Apart from writing long posts and having them be somehow deleted? Wow, I'm really annoyed with blogger right now. I shall try to make this post as interesting as the one that just got eaten, shall I? Argh.

Well, yesterday we wandered around Södertälje, not buying the Birkenstocks that I set out to buy (they were rather pricey, and Ash said to check in Stockholm) nor buying the memory card for my camera that I wanted. Never mind, wandering around looking is fun, too. I've decided on the Birkenstocks as it's bloody hot here, and every seasoned traveller needs a pair, or so I've been told. Nice and sturdy and will last a trek around the place. Besides, I can get away with wearing them (can't I?) and they're comfy, so why not?

Of course Mum thinks that I should get a pair. Mums are always in favour of sturdy shoes, I think. Hee. I hope they don't look too mannish. Well, I'll post them when I buy them and you can tell me.

Right! So after wandering, we went for a nice long swim at the lake behind Ash's house. Here's a photo Ash took for me in Spring.

Of course, that's a rather dark photo, we were swimming in the late afternoon, so this next one is slightly more relevant. Mm, pretty lake.

We splashed around happily for about an hour, despite my irrational fear that something would emerge from the depths and eat me. What? The damn lake is all dark and deep! Besides, I've grown up in a country that has nasty things in dams. Like leeches as long as your hand! But this lake had none of those things, thankfully. It did, however, have some puppies jumping in and out and splashing around at another 'beach.'

When we got out, we discovered that our stuff was near a wasps nest. The kind that attack you. One kept landing on my leg, which made me freak out and scream like a girl, to which Ash replied 'Don't antagonise it, or it'll sting you!' Right. Don't be alarmed that the wasp is about to bite me!

Today we went into Stockholm, and walked around Old Town. I love that place. Especially the Science Fiction Bokhandeln. I resisted the new Carey (but it was so shiny!) and watched a couple of guys playing with the lightsabres (that whoosh and crackle when you swing them). I also resisted buying Spidey comics. Good me.

We also picked up some white chocolate Reese's Pieces. God damn those things are tasty. Add that to the huge delicious expensive ($8!) gelati, and you have yourself a sugar high.


At 7:15 pm, Blogger Jess said...

*sighs* That lake is so beautiful. I wouldn't go swimming in it though... too many Lake Placid moments.

At 8:47 pm, Blogger myo said...

It IS a beautiful lake.
And unlike jes, it doesn't make me think Lake Placid. Nope.
It makes me think of The Creature From the Black Lagoon.
(i'm showing my age here)
Now THAT Creature was truly deadly! As soon as you got your first good look at the Creature you died from laughter.

At 9:47 pm, Blogger No said...

pretty lake indeed.

I love the first photo.

Funny how we can be from so distant places and still feel the same.

I always hated lakes (or sea) with dark bottoms in fear of what could lurk down there...

Gimme a nice and clear water pool instead. (without too much people around that is)

At 5:54 am, Blogger Emma said...

It took me ages to feel safe swimming in there, because after two steps into the water, you couldn't see your feet...

My brain was like 'Wow, it's really pretty here and- OMG! A GIANT CROCODILE IS GOING TO PULL ME UNDER AND EAT ME!! I mean, wow, those trees are green.

At 12:13 pm, Blogger daisy said...

Coming from a place that doesn't have crocodiles... I'd be worried about the eels. I hate swimming in water that you can't see in.


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