Tuesday, November 29, 2005


I just had a rather interesting conversation at work. We were talking about long distance relationships, and the "rules" that apply. C said that if you're not in the same country, it's fine to be with other people. J agreed. Her partner is off travelling the world at the moment, and they have made an agreement. They are allowed to sleep with other people, but will get back together when they meet up in July. I respect that, I do. Yet, I couldn't do it. I just couldn't. C said later that she does respect my position, but it actually shook me a little.

Do I demand too much? Should I back off and allow Ash her freedom? Would she even want that? I don't think she would. I certainly don't want to be with anyone else. Is it wrong of me to... to... I don't know.

I know we're rock solid. And hell, it's hard. But I am an honourable person. I would never, ever cheat. It doesn't matter if "the rules" suggest that it's perfectly acceptable. It is simply not possible. I couldn't. *spreads hands* It's just not something I could do.


At 5:46 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

I feel the same way, Em. If you're with someone, then you're with them. Plain and simple. Otherwise, why not just have an arrangement where you see them when you happen to be in the same country, but that's it? That wouldn't be a relationship. Just casual sex etc.

IMO, trials in relationships (such as distance) are the things that make such relationships stronger. You have to really know you want to be with someone to stick with them despite such things. And you and Ash must be made for each other to be as solid as you are even though there's half a globe between you.

I had a horrible dream that I cheated on Beloved last night. It was absolutely horrible. I may have to elaborate on it later. You just made me think of it again with this post. I couldn't either. No way.

At 11:37 am, Blogger keppet said...

How exactly can you respect J and C?

At 3:32 pm, Blogger Jess said...

I know people who are doing what J is at the moment... the girl who is left behind seems to spend equal time hooking up with strangers and trying to discover exactly how many people her bf has slept with, etc. It's all very pointless really. But whatever floats your boat I guess.

I think it's pretty obvious you're taking the more mature path though.

At 3:30 pm, Blogger Emma said...

I suppose 'respect' isn't exactly the right word Kepp, but I can see it from their point of view, and if they're happy with that, good for them.

Did Jes just call me mature? I should frame that. *g*

At 4:41 pm, Blogger Jess said...

I'm not sure it means much at all considering the source. ;)


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