Friday, November 11, 2005

Identity Crisis

It's nearly official. I'm almost no longer an Arts student! You'd think that I'd be happy about that. Oh, I am. Don't get me wrong. I have a whole year off (honours pending) to relax my brain into forgetting all of the Lacan and Seassure and Irigiray possible.

I suppose it's a bit anticlimactic. One day I'm slaving over my last essay, the next day I'm done. And that's that. I wasn't as wildly euphoric as I thought I'd be. I didn't even do a little jig when I posted my last essay. It was more 'thank god that's over.'

And now what? I'm not an Arts student any more! No more excuses when it comes to sleeping in late, having a room full of bits of paper and books, dressing like I've just rolled out of bed or eating sub-standard food in the name of economy! Woe!

At least I still sound like an Arts student.

Good lord. I'm going to have to be an adult.


At 10:30 pm, Blogger transparency said...

It depends what you mean by 'adult'.

At 10:53 pm, Blogger Ata said...

Options from here on in:
1. Study something else.
2. Work, but make sure you either get paid very little OR spend it on crap as soon as you earn it so that you can continue living like a student (the bonus here is that you will always be able to find someone who will sympathise with you)
3. Follow Thy Dream (often also involves earning very little, AND you get something to brag about at parties)
4. Join the Adult World - that is, get a paying job and learn the delights of dressing tidily at all times and paying off loans. On the upside, you do get to eat better.

On reflection, I'm not sure which I prefer. I think I'm really still seeking a job that pays well but allows me to sleep in and dress like I've just rolled out of bed. I'm sure I should be able to think of something sly and witty to add here, but I can't.

At 3:24 am, Blogger La Tulipe said...

"Emma should become a professor," says Rian, sly. "For does not that job contain the best of both worlds?"

At 3:33 pm, Blogger Emma said...

*snigger* Good point. I think that officially fits under Ata's catagory one.

I had a dream that I got into honours, which is surely the first step, right? Now, I'll just have to hope and pray that I didn't miss the deadline. They said 'Mid-November.' Pah.

At 6:53 pm, Blogger H said...

As a professor, I can say that it is indeed a job that does not require one to entirely grow up. Yes you MUST attend your classes, and preferable be prepared for them, but eccentgricity is more than tolerated, and absent-minded is part of the job description.

Of course you must get advanced degrees. So back to Ata's #1.

Oh, and it is 2:49 a.m. and I am curled on a coach in sweats drinking wine, listening to music, and surfing, at over twice your age. Quiz to write, must get it done earlyish tomorrow....

At 12:56 am, Blogger Emma said...

See, I need to get to that stage. *grin*

I was going to describe how late it is, but I might just post a little instead...


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