Sunday, October 30, 2005


Seeing as the last post seems to be generating some discussion...

Crushes. How do they work? Why do we get them? Are they harmless? Is their value overlooked?

That's enough questions for now, I sound like Carrie sodding Bradshaw.

I was reading 'The Good Weekend' in the tea room (read: fenced off area with a table and a notice board) and there was an extremely interesting piece written about crushes. Try and dig it up if you can? The gist was basically that people develop crushes all the time. They don't have to be sexual, but can provoke feelings that are similar to those of romance. The writer said that females tend to have these kind of crushes on each other - in much the same way that nearly every woman in the world wants to spend the night with Anglina Jolie. (And lets face it, she's pretty spectacular.) The writer went on to state that in movies and the media, relationships are nearly always sexual, and that these infatuations are overlooked. I would tend to agree with most of what she said.

I think that crushes are an admiration thing. You see something in a person that you want to have, right? There is certainly no harm in them. I seem to develop them quite easily. And, if my workplace is anything to go by, people seem to develop them on me quite easily.

Perhaps it could be because I am gay, but taken. In the eyes of the crushee I would of course be flattered, but couldn't do anything about it. It's a pretty safe little crush to have, I suppose. And of course, I am flattered. It's very touching, isn't it?

I think that crushes and love fall into different categories. Crushes are beautiful, delicate things, and if they're treated properly, can develop into wonderful friendships and give you an ego boost. Love is different, in my opinion. Love runs deeper. Love is scary. Love makes me feel like I can't contain everything that's running around in my mind and my body. Crushes are a light summer scent to love's heady perfume. Both are important in life, and both should be valued, in my opinion.

And that's a good way to put off essay writing for another fifteen minutes.


At 9:37 pm, Blogger Jess said...

"Crushes are beautiful, delicate things, and if they're treated properly, can develop into wonderful friendships and give you an ego boost."

And there are the crushes that degenerate into obsession and stalking. Fun!

I'm most likely to get crushes on band guys. Mmm, musicians.

At 2:36 am, Blogger La Tulipe said...

Rian does not get crushes.

There is light lust, and then there is love.

At 6:16 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

Heh. I've certainly had crushes (well, one, at least), even if not been the object of them. And they're not always wonderful things. Sometimes they can be downright depressing, when you know damned well the object of said crush is never going to show similar interest in you. Pah. Sooo glad I'm not a teenager anymore.

Love is certainly more pressing... more serious... more risky. With love, you give. With crushes, you just harbour. When you give love, and so much of yourself, you put yourself in a very vulnerable position. It's riskier. It can hurt more. But its rewards are well worth it.

At 10:00 am, Blogger academiannut said...

Hi all -

Em - I bet it's cause you're out that you get all the crushes - there are lots of "straight" girls who are very curious and so are fascinated by lesbians.

At 7:53 pm, Blogger Jess said...


Fedwren! Excellent, another blog to read obsessively. ;)

At 11:07 am, Blogger keppet said...

Academiannut! Yay (and I always loved that name...).

Er... crushes? How do you know?

Seriously. Not sure whether my extreme clinginess and obsession with people is because I am clingy and obsessed or because I have a crush.

I think I am just clingy and obsessed.

At 5:07 pm, Blogger academiannut said...

nice to be recognized, bob and jesic. Bob, somehow I don't see you as the clingy obsessed sort. But maybe that's just because you're an alter ego?

At 9:21 am, Blogger keppet said...

Ha I think Keppet is the alter-ego sometimes.


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