Saturday, April 29, 2006

Crack O'The Whip

Ash and I have decided to be strict with writing. We're going to set aside at least an hour a day to work on our novels (or other creative writing). I figure that it's the only way to make any progress, and still retain sanity. We've been reading the wonderful blog of Miss Snark and have become both excited and frustrated with our writing efforts.

We both have similar thoughts. I want to be at a stage where I can re-write my manuscript and send it off to agents. I want to have a solid body of work. I want to be on my way to signing a contract and getting something published.

So, an hour a day. Hopefully it'll be good for us. Ash is happy with her progress. (She's working on her Nano novel) and I'm trying to find a good way to get stuck into my idea. I've written a couple of thousand words but it doesn't seem to be right. I don't think I've got the right tone, nor the right picture of the characters. Besides, I don't have in my mind enough of what I need. So, I'm working on beginnings, while Ash is polishing and writing yet more.

If I don't stick to my plan, you have permission to harass me, both verbally and through the medium of thrown fruit.


At 3:12 pm, Blogger myo said...

Shall i spit watermelon seeds at you when you slack off em?

At 3:13 pm, Blogger Jess said...

What, no kicking?

At 6:53 pm, Blogger Ata said...

Aren't you good girls!

{cracks whip} Get going!

At 10:58 pm, Blogger Emma said...

Q: Trying to get my head around a half-formed idea at the moment. I think it's going to be BIG, and it's really complicated. I'm trying to come up with a good way to get into it. It's kind of a country town thing, with hints of the uncanny/little magic happening. (That sounds stupid, but it's sort of it.) Anyway, it's giving me a headache. *grimace* I wrote a couple of thousand words but it's not really working.

Myo: Ew, but yes.

Jes: Kicking and arson are both fine.

Ata: *jumps back* Ouchie. But yes. *cracks whip*

At 2:28 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

Gah. You make me feel guilty. I'm getting nice and stuck in to writing coursework and sending off articles and stuff, but my book is suffering as a result. I really need to get back to it.

I miss fiction... *sniff*


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