Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Eating With the Fork in the Road

I suspect that I'm at another junction. I'm really not sure what I'll do next year. Of course, I'm sure that it'll all sort out (and I'm in a far too good a mood to pretend that I think it won't) but I'm rather curious... I think I'll probably either stay close to home or with my Grandma for a while, to get some money together, and then I'll do the big shift back down to Melbourne.

At least I know that it's where I want to be. I really miss Melbourne sometimes. I miss gliding past the Carlton Gardens on the tram on the way to work, or looking at the reflections on the river at night. And of course I miss the people! It would be really great if I could just duck back for a drink or two and a laugh, but I know I'll get back there in time.

Still, I feel really good being here. I'm happy. And I know that it was the right thing to do. I love it when things turn out. They usually do, but it's nice to know that my optimism isn't misplaced.

Now, as for my writing... I'm rather motivated, yet still slightly... shy, I suppose. I'm way too underconfident for my own good. Really, I am. I freak out with the slightest bit of pressure, and I just can't get there. It really sucks, and I need to work on it. I think I need some kind of minor success to motivate me, but I can't for the life of me figure out how I'm going to get there.

I should just write a damn book. (Sounds easy, eh?) At least then I'll have something to get behind and really work on. Well, maybe I will. I want to. I have a few ideas. But I'm really lazy. Ok, that's not an excuse, but it's a scary prospect!

Anyone got a pool of confidence they don't need? I might just take a dip.

But still, I'm in a really great mood today. The sun is shining, the music is loud and spectacular, and I'm happy. So maybe I should get writing and stop being a whiny little mole.


At 1:06 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

Writing is good for the soul. :) For me, sitting down and just getting on with a productive writing session is the most satisfying feeling in the world. I get such a buzz from it - like nothing else.

At 12:33 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

heyy emm,
you miss melbourne heaps already?
didnt take longto get homesick huh?
so when do you think you will return?

xx Jamie (now ex-auto)

At 5:23 pm, Blogger H said...

Write some short stories or poems to try to publisi. easier to get some of those into print than a novel, and you can get used to editorial processes etc. Build some confidence, and work on novels of course too....

Haven't seen any Emma poems for a while. Miss them, full of imagery...

At 7:37 pm, Blogger Jess said...

My pool is a bit dry I think, but dive in anyway. ;)

I second the call for more poems. They were fantastic.

At 6:34 am, Blogger Emma said...

Sky: Need to write. Maybe tomorrow. *grin* And yes, it is a great buzz, isn't it? Shaping something...

Jamie! Good to hear from you! I'll be back in October! *grin* I guess we're both members of the ex-auto tribe now. Do you think they miss us?

Heather, I shall write you something tonight. *grin* Keep an eye on your email!

You too, Jes. *grins more*

At 6:25 pm, Blogger No said...

i really liked the draft you sent me (did you have my email?) and think you should go on with that story (just to satisfy my own curiosity at least hehe). Have you tried to go and see that blog i linked for you?
Maybe there is hiding the confidence you need to go on.

And short stories are said to be what to do to get published in first place (altho i could never write one) by the greatest authors (Martin, Hobb..).

At 4:16 pm, Blogger Emma said...

Thanks Nadine, I did see that link you sent me. *grin* Awesome stuff!

I shall keep at it, I think. Onwards and upwards!


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