Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Party People

Of course, I meant to post these pictures on here back when I was still in Melbourne, but I never got around to it with the whole packing business. I did, however, stick them onto my jump drive so that I could fondly remember my going away party.

Ah, dearest Erika. Otherwise known as Eccky-Bean. How I miss thy squeals when poked.
Shaaaaaaane. Looking dashing, as always.

James (otherwise known as Busty StClare) myself and the lovely Adriana. This was taken mere seconds before we all fell into a tangled heap on the couch. Holding poses like that is rather tricky, after all.

More tomorrow! Or at least one of Sean.


At 5:01 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

They look like a lovely bunch, Em. You must miss 'em...

And I notice you have succumbed to the addictive lure of LibraryThing. Mwa-ha. I like your random book selection. :)

At 4:47 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They do look like a nice bunch... except for Erika, she looks to be quite a handful!

At 6:47 am, Blogger Emma said...

Hee hee hee. I didn't have a picture of you, Leigh! Drat. I could have embarrassed you, too.


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