Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Swedish Outings

I've actually been social this weekend. Go me. On Saturday night, Ash and I were invited to a uni pubcrawl by Young Hugo. (Erm, my nicknames suck. Sorry.) We left here early and met up with people along the way, the went to the first uni,(KTH, the Swedish RMIT). There were a bunch of people wearing overalls, which is some tradition... Different colours for different faculties, apparantly. Anyway, they all had a million patches sewn onto them. That was sort of colourful. So, we (pretty much everyone I went out with last time, plus two other guys) had a couple of beers and talked crap, which was fun. It was also really good to pay bugger all for 'imported' beers that could cost way more in Australia.

So, after that we missed the bus and caught the subway to the next place, which was Stockholm Uni. We drank beer and ate hotdogs in the Law Faculty bar and had to run for the bus to the Medical school (KI). Ash was stuck with a beer that she had to scull. Hah. I helped but was forced to abandon about an eighth. Drat. So, at KI, there was karaoke. Woo! I was all set to sing 'I Will Survive,' but this girl sang it before I had a chance. I instantly hated her, of course. (She had stupid hair and was all full of herself...) I then picked a Brittney song, figuring that old Brit is not a great singer and that I could do ok with it. The annoying girl of course sang it before me AGAIN, at which point I wanted to punch her. Ash sang a Swedish song (and didn't sound too bad... really...even though she's tone deaf...but had a good time, which is the point!) and her best friend sang Knowing Me, Knowing You by ABBA, which was really cool. I did 'Baby, One More Time' reasonably well. (Didn't suck to badly, I think) and had a Mexican beer with lime. Mmm.

So, then it was time to head back to Stockholm uni. B&G had hurt his foot a few weeks ago, and decided head home. So, the rest of us jumped on the bus (full of rowdy, pissed students, and at one point I got a soccer ball to the back of the head. It knocked off my stylish hat. Boo.) Stockholm uni had a large building with things happening (apart from the Law bar) so we put our jackets in the cloak room (they made us!) and went upstairs. There was a fairly large dancefloor filled with rowdy students. I couldn't have asked for better crap pop. They played Gwen Stefani, and Brittney, and N'Sync (even I cringed a bit to that one) and older stuff like I Want You Back (yay, Sean) and Born to be Alive (funky thumbs, everyone!). The song that made me giggle most was that Gloria Estefan (sp?) song that Bender dances to when he become human. (Anthologies of Interest, Part II, my favourite episode). Oh, and they played Walking on Sunshine (Jurrasic Bark, awww).

At about 2.30 we left (I know, piker, but wait for it...) and had Macca's. Some old guy yelled at me after coming out of the toilet. (Unisex toilet, I wasn't hanging around the men's bathroom...) Some blonde girl stuck up for me. Go her. Ash and her best friend (A) and I then caught the night bus back to Södertälje, in which a guy gave us free cordial. (Yes, it was sealed.) He tried to get A to go back to his house 'for tea.' Pfft. Tea doesn't mean tea!

We finally got home (after catching another bus) at 5.15. Which is why it was a good idea to leave ar 2.30, and means I'm not a piker. Hah. Tired and achey (and cold!) as all get out, we fell asleep and slept in until 2 the next day, only really getting organised when we had to leave to go to the Beginning of Spring bonfire.

There was singing and hotdogs and... Ok, this must really be getting boring. But, going back to A's place and playing Shithead was good. We also had dinner in a little diner, which was nice.

Argh. Enough already! But that's my wonderful exciting weekend.


At 7:08 am, Blogger keppet said...

What's a piker?

At 9:22 am, Blogger Emma said...

Someone who 'pikes out' ie. gives up. In this instance, someone who cracks the shits and goes home.

At 7:44 pm, Blogger Jess said...

I'm grinning. Lots. I must go to Sweden to get me one of those nights out.

At 7:44 am, Blogger La Tulipe said...

Rian is wondering about the handicap sign showing up on all the word verifications.

Well. Emma TOLD Rian to post something. And I AM wondering. This is so the paralyzed can still post? Was blogger sue-ed?

At 7:46 am, Blogger Emma said...

Eh, maybe they just got people asking for it.

It's sort of cool that you can surf the net if you're blind. Technology these days...

At 9:56 am, Blogger keppet said...

2:30 is early? Egads.

I am a firm believer in "time" at 11pm.

At 2:09 am, Blogger Emma said...

If I went home at 2:30 when I was out with the Boys, they would mock me mercilessly.

4 or 5 is a better time, especially if you're no more than a 10 minute cab ride away from home. I *loved* my proximity to the city.


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