Thursday, May 04, 2006


I have a cold. You think I would have gotten one immediately when I came from sunny Australia to frosty Sweden, but no. I guess it was the 300+ people crammed into an auditorium busting a move to N'Sync that did it. I knew there was something dodgy about that.

Anyway, I'm at that stage where everything is itchy and yuck. I keep sneezing and my gums are all tingly. I hate being sick. Boo.

And yes, I am drinking lemon and honey. Lots. I think my blood has become lemon and honey.

Wah. Feel sorry for me.


At 9:23 am, Blogger Andy said...

I hope you feel better soon Em.

At 9:37 am, Blogger Jess said...

Poor Emma. Have a blanky.

At 12:35 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

Poor Emsy. Have a hot toddy with lots of whiskey along with the honey and lemon. That'll knock you out... or at least put a smile on your face to combat the grimness. ;)

At 3:53 am, Blogger skittledog said...

*looks at weather thingy*

Ooh, you too are having a mini heatwave. Kinda.

At 7:08 am, Blogger La Tulipe said...

Poor Emma.

Just do not sneeze on Rian again.

At 8:52 pm, Blogger Jess said...

I'm baffled. Toddy? Is that just tea?

At 9:23 pm, Blogger Emma said...

Yeah, do you have a good recipe?

At 2:56 am, Blogger skittledog said...

Hah. Hot toddy is pretty much what Sky said - it's honey and lemon but with a good slug of whisky added too. Never tried it myself, and I suspect I wouldn't like it, but I knew a friend's mum who had one every night before bed...

At 3:14 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

Hot toddies rock!! You haven't lived until you've had one. Although, they don't have quite the same effect when you're not ill. But when you have a cold, they are truly awesome. Almost worth being ill for.

That said, I think they have to be made properly. Steve makes the best hot toddies in the known universe... amazing things. I don't drink whiskey at all normally, but when you've got a cold, it's fab stuff.

His recipe goes something like this: - the juice of a whole lemon + some pulp - a tablespoon of honey - a decent measure of whiskey - topped up with just-boiled water. You can also add some ginger if you like. Fabulous. They warm you right through to the core. Your cold woes will be over in no time.


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