Wednesday, August 02, 2006

A Curious Day

Today was rather weird. We had to get up at 8am to ring the dentist to try to find me an appointment (Ash to ring and me to be sympathetic - I wasn't about to try to organise anything in Swedish, or embarrassed English at 8am) and therefore we were tired all day. Boo.

I did, however, manage an extremely Swedish morning. I lingered in the IKEA bed to read the freshly-delivered IKEA catalogue, then had Swedish hardbread for breakfast. Ok, so I had Vegemite, too... anyway, we ran out the door to get to the Historical Museum before it closed.

That was rather cool, actually. And here's a bullet point list of what we got up to, because I'm feeling... bullet-pointy. So, we:

  • Wandered around looking at rusty viking impliments and jewellery.
  • Went down into the very secure Gold Room to raise our eyebrows over some serious shiny stuff, including a massive golden challace as big as my head.
  • Had a go at carving runes with a hammer and chisel. Not as easy as you would suspect. I now have respect for the carvers. Bloody lot of effort, really.
  • Checked out the Mayan stuff. It wasn't very good, actually, they hardly had anything at all. They tried to disguise it with a big flashy role-play game, but it was patronising and boring.
And last, but certainly most amusing...
  • I got stuck in a bloody mail shirt! There were a bunch of kids playing in the armour that had outside, and I thought it was a brilliant idea to put a shirt on... Following the interesting mail experience Jes and I had at the Tower of London gift shop. Heh. Anyway, it was really heavy. Really heavy. I was just putting it on when I thought that it would be a tight fit... and it was... and they're not designed for people with breasts... So, in short, it was like trying to take off three soaked woolen jumpers. Not much fun. Eventually, with Ash helping, I managed to pull it over my head, but still! Gah.
So, then we went and ate some dodgy but cheap pasta and had a Maccas strawberry pie for dessert. While we were eating them in the park near Södra, we watched a bunch of skaters trying to grind a massivce handrail. One guy managed it a couple of times, before falling off twice and landing square on his balls. Hee hee hee.

And then! We were walking to the train station when this woman walks past with her arse hanging out! She was wearing a t-shirt, and a wrap thing around her waist (like a belt) but her whole arse was sticking out the bottom! And she was wearing a g-string! And she was flabby! Not a pretty sight. Not by a long shot.

Oh yes, I was pissed off with myself for not drying my iPod properly after we got caught in a serious deluge last night. (Soaked to the skin! Everything in my bag was damp, including my passport! Argh!) The headphones had fucked up, and I was bitching about having to replace them. But, in the end, they worked OK. Thank god, because the dentist is going to be bloody expensive.

And hopefully, not painful at all. Aaaaargh.


At 7:39 pm, Blogger Jess said...

*laughs* Maybe she didn't realise she'd forgotten to cover her rear? Swedes...

And you tool with the mail shirt. Heh heh heh. Smooth.

At 10:22 pm, Blogger Skywolf said...

Hee hee hee hee hee.

Stuck in a mail shirt... *giggle*

Ahem. Sorry. *serious face*

Hope the dentist goes okay. And isn't too painful or too expensive!

At 2:37 am, Blogger No said...

wow. what a day!

but where are the pictures? I would have loved to see that erm.. chainmail.. of course.

And the carving things and viking jewelry seemed interesting really!

Good luck for the dentist!


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