Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I think things are finally coming together on the homework front. It's all almost done, which means that my planned celebration can certainly take place on Thursday night. It seemed to hard before it was all done, but now I realise that it was just me making too much out of it all.

I suppose the truth of that will out when I get my marks back.

It's a drab, dreary day here. It's raining, and the sky is dark, and I really don't want to go out into the rain to get to class later on tonight. Perhaps it'll have settled down by the time I go. I'm not complaining about the rain, of course, seeing as we need it so badly. And it is nice to be warm and snug at home with one's love.

I'm thoughtful, today. I have a lot to think about, when it comes to the future. Will I find someone to move in? Well, probably, yes, seeing as rental is so tricky at the moment. Will I move to the country to work in radio? I'm thinking about it. Will I get to Sweden soon? Perhaps, if I save.

The moving to the country issue is an interesting one. I can see why there are several good reasons to do so, first and foremost among them that when I've finished the course (and even before) I'll have quite a few job offers available to me. We're already getting emails from various stations asking if we'd like to go and work there. Walking into a job is quite a feat. Also, seeing as I'm not quite sure yet exactly what I want to do in radio (although announcing is one thing I do want to do for sure) it would be good to do a job that let me have a go at a range of things. It's common in country stations to do jobs as they come. Also, making mistakes is not as dire, so one can learn and practice without too much worry in that respect.

Perhaps it's because I associate so many negatives with the country. It's actually quite unfair to do so, seeing as I've overblown it in my mind, but there are still reasons. For one, not driving is fine in a city like Melbourne, with all of the public transport. Not having a car in the country makes me feel completely stranded and helpless. I feel like I can't be self-reliant at all, and I hate that. I really want to get my licence, but it's just so hard with not really having much spare money for lessons, and it being hard to imagine magically getting a car.

Also, I tend to associate the country (or maybe just Castlemaine) with all of the crap that happened when I was younger. I feel like I've grown and changed into a different person since all of that, and going back there sometimes makes me feel like I haven't.

There's also the fact that I'd probably be really, horribly lonely if I was living by myself in a little country town. I don't really cope well with living by myself, having always had people around me. Maybe I'll find someone to live with, I'm not sure, but that's also something to consider.

So, I'm thinking about all of that. I love living in Melbourne, and having the city and all of the bars and restaurants and bookstores and shopping that I could want at my fingertips. I love having the ability to get where I need to whenever I like. I love having friends so close, even if I don't see them all of the time. And, I like my job at the moment. Swatch is a really great place to work.

So, there are the things that I'm thinking about.


At 8:38 pm, Blogger Jess said...

Do you have any idea of where in the country you'd like to work? Would make a huge difference. Would it even have to be in Victoria?

Do city radio stations discriminate against people who have worked in country radio? Or is the experience looked upon favourably?

Certainly could change everything. True crossroads after you finish uni.

At 9:14 pm, Blogger Emma said...

Would it even have to be in Victoria?

It could be anywhere, really. We have people out on placement all over Australia. Bega, Townsville, the Gold Coast, Muswellbrook... Yep, everywhere. There were jobs going in Tamworth and Kalgoorlie, most recently.

Do city radio stations discriminate against people who have worked in country radio? Or is the experience looked upon favourably?

It's considered a rite of passage to do some radio out in the country. Indeed, a lot of people, if not most, work out in a country station and then go into radio in the cities. Some people don't, of course, but it's fairly usual.

As I said, I'm still thinking about it all. Part of me almost wants to go somewhere really far away like the middle of WA or something like that... It could be fun. Scary, but fun.

At 9:35 am, Blogger biped said...

The country won't be a life sentence. If you choose to do it, you'll be allowed to leave if it drives you insane.

And spending a year in a place that's not your dream location beats selling watches for the next decade.

At 1:39 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

Yep. *nods sagely*

And also, the country is a wonderful place to write. Perhaps I'm biased, not being remotely a city girl, but I can't imagine myself writing in a city. I think my inspiration would suffer terribly. Being away from everything but natural surroundings is awesome for writing.

...if you had time alongside the radio stuff, of course.


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