Saturday, May 19, 2007

Celeb Crush of the Week!

Ye gods, is it time for this already? Just goes to show how slack I've been.

Actually, today I've been horribly productive. I got up early and went to Swinburne to work in the recording studio (got everything done except my interview) and then came home to watch Dark Angel. After vegging for a bit (no sleep last night either, feeling tired and yuck) I washed dishes and washed clothes and cleaned the kitchen and bathroom...

All that aside, this week is a rather mournful Celeb Crush.

Oh, poor cancelled Veronica. *sniffle* You're so tough and cool, and you always fight the good fight, with your pixie spy magic and biting sarcasm. Your hair was so much better in Season Three. Oh, why! Who would cancel you? That's OK, Veronica, I'll comfort you in your hour of need...

*sings Veronica tribute karaoke*


At 9:26 pm, Blogger Jess said...

Veronica Mars: the only girl who doesn't look lame wearing a skull shirt.

At 12:02 am, Blogger Emma said...

*grin* So true. And thank you for breaking the comments drought!


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