Wednesday, April 23, 2008

An Attempt to Get Back on Track

It's just gone five past midnight, I'm in a wonderful creative mood and it's just occurred to me that I might have a go at updating my blog.

Hello, internets. I've missed you.

Not that I haven't had my internet for a while, but I have been preoccupied with moving and all that jazz, as well as working much more than I normally do. Oh, and there's been rather too much time spend in deep, meaningful discussion with Tranny. Must cut back on that. (I kid, I kid because I love.)

Things are almost settled here, though. I still have a couple of boxes to unpack, but I'll get that done tomorrow because on Thursday we're having the house warming, and I'm not going to leave out my crap for everyone to see/trip over. There's always our big massive unused shed to store things if I can't find a place for them.

So, work is going well. I got a promotion! I'm now the Assistant (to the regional, hee) Manager! It means more work, but it's good, because I'm getting to sort out all kinds of shit that hasn't been sorted. And I have a much better idea of what's going on with things, which means that they're less likely to be left for weeks. Plus, I get a nice pay rise (more than that 3AW job, even) so I'm very, very happy with that. We'll see how it all goes when it all really kicks off. Waiting for the contract right now.

I'm feeling immensely creative right now, too. I think I've adjusted to the longer hours and the rhythm of living here, and it's all starting to come together. With the job (and the fact that it's only 30 hours a week) I'll have time to actually concentrate on my writing a little, which makes me feel spectacular. I'm just really looking to get a few pieces out there, polish and develop my skills and see what happens. It's good, and it's working.

That's about it, really. Oh, I'm walking to work and back again every day, seeing as it only takes me around 35 minutes. And it's through a lovely park. It's really beautiful, and it's making me feel healthy.

Things are good. That's all.