Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Love is Bigger than Laws

Viva la resistance! Don't let those conservative boring hair-cut, no-good, letter-writing folk out-write us! We're gays, it's in our blood to be loud and artistic!

Australia fucking sucks balls sometimes, and this is one of those times. Apparently, tiny European countries are beating us to the punch on this - so is America! America, for fuck's sake!

Go look. Write a letter. There's an easy online form. Don't let the boring people get away with quashing our right to have giant musical-theatre weddings!


No, but seriously. We gays are OK. And we might like to get married, too. So help!


At 7:02 am, Blogger Helen said...

I love writing angry letters to the government! That's how I got my parking fine withdrawn. Though I can probably move on to slightly bigger issues than the right to park outside my house...like the right to attend big colourful musical theatre themed weddings!

At 9:49 pm, Blogger Emma said...

Yes! Write! Write like the wind!


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