Thursday, October 22, 2009

One Day, I'll Go Pro

Last Tuesday night was the signing for The Etiquette Files, a journal put together by Holmesglen, and I was lucky enough to be included, so a signing I went.

It was all very exciting. I even got to sit behind a table, like a real author. The best part, though, was meeting the other authors and chatting with tutors and literary folk and generally being a bit of a nerd. My piece was titled 'A Rather Sensible Guide for the Enjoyment of Free Beer Provided by Glorious and Venerated Acquaintances, or Why You Should be Nice to Strangers', which ended up being easily the longest and silliest title in the entire publication. I was ever so proud.

Of course, it's not a huge deal as far as publications go, but I was very happy to make the cut, and it has been a lovely confidence boost as well. With Nanowrimo approaching, I am churning over ideas, and am very tempted (despite crazy November schedule) to have a crack at it again this year. I'm quite sure that I will end up expanding upon an idea that I could never really get down in short story form. It might, however, work as a novel. Or novella. Or a longer piece. So we shall see.

I also really need to finalise the content for the zine I'm putting together. Hmm. Shall I include a short story?

Friday, October 02, 2009

Yanked, for submission.

If you'd like a copy, email me!

The constrained will
Not wait for long - with every
Tick to madness, the column
Tightens and each turn of the
Screw becomes a wrench.

Perhaps the squealing steel will
Relent to you, should you keep safe the
Coded dialogue (no dip and rise, but a thump and cry)

And you will let it out,
You will let all of it out.