Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Today, I have been talking about creating a small-press publication with a friend. She attended a post-grad lecture on self-publishing, and has ignited my interest. We shall, over the summer, create something. I don't know what it will contain just yet, but it will be ours.

We have, in our friendship group, many willing to participate. We have several writers, as well as designers and ex-marketing students. Surely we shall merge to form something useful.

It will be free, of course. And I'm quite certain that I know of several zine specific stores that would stock it.

We also spoke of a new zine on the streets. 'Isnot' magazine is metres square and called 'a reading challenge.' It is posted on walls all over the city. It's an innovation, yes?


Also, I have been talking honours with several possible supervisors. I stammered my way through an interview with an editing tutor this afternoon. At the end of our chat, she assessed me with a professional eye.

'How's your editing?' she asked.

I felt like a green troop being sized up by a veteran commander.

'Oh, not bad,' I said. 'I'm probably doomed to be a low-grade copy editor for the rest of my life.'

We'll see.


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