Sunday, August 28, 2005

I've finally, finally finshed my stupid Editing homework. It's four hours later than I thought and I have a crick in my neck, but it's done. Oh, and I also typed up the rest of my assignment for Australian Lit.

Why, oh why, did I start reading Telanu? My god, it's addictive. It's like a nice juicy soap... Bah. Well, I should be almost finished it soon, then I can find another obsession.

Oh no! Only 45 minutes before I have to go to work!

I was seriously, seriously snarky on Thursday night because the guy who closes almost every night (we shall call him Close King) cracked the absolute shits and we being a complete arsehole. I had to go and close Pizzahead so that another girl could go home, and when I came out, I had no idea where we were up to. I asked him what was going on, and he refused to tell me. Flat out refused. I was so irritated! It made the night twice as painful as it usually is, and due to Close King's extreme bastardishness, he made my supervisor bawl her eyes out.

The thing is, he can be really great if he's relaxed. You can actually have a great conversation with him, and he's been there for me a couple of times, especially when I was having a rough time at work when Ash left. Then again, he has made me cry (as well as about half the rest of the staff) because he yells at people. He's often coming down from god knows what, and can be a bastard.

I found out that he's resigned. I don't know how to feel. I had a huge bitch about him on Thursday night with Supervisor and the Cashier after he made us all feel like crap, which made me feel much better. I could easily hate him, but I can't help but remember him actually being a decent guy sometimes.

Argh! Now I have to go to work!

And I still have a crick in my neck.


At 2:16 am, Blogger La Tulipe said...

Obviously he is struggling through personal troubles, yes?

...or perhaps it is just the scarring aquired after being forced to work at a place named 'Pizzhead.'

And Rian would happily steak knife any creature who dares make Emma cry.

At 9:47 am, Blogger Emma said...

Could you steak knife the person who sent me evil dreams?

I have to go to work... Bah! Bah, I say. I'm so tiiiiired.


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