Wednesday, October 19, 2005

It's the last day of classes. Yesterday, Age and I were walking around a campus that was sunny and bright and full of students lounging on the grass. There was a Red Bull stand playing very loud dance music. There were market stalls dotted up and down Mutant Way (the walkway down the middle of campus). It was lovely.

Well. I still have assginments to hand in. But this does mark the end of an era.

Last year, around 12 of us split a number of bottles of red. There were drunken tutors running about the place, too. We sat and drank for hours in the shady and sunny beer garden at Einsteins. Age stayed sober and drove half of the people home. I remember having one very... interesting Goth girl sitting on my lap. Oh, what a day that was.

I wonder if we'll do anything today? I suspect that people are far too worried about assignments, but surely we have time for a couple of drinks?


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