Wednesday, October 12, 2005

It's my second last week of classes this week. I know that it's normal to freak out over that, seeing as almost every third-year I know is wandering around with a slightly panicky look on their face. But, my god. I thought the end of high school was a freak out. At least I had uni to cling to desperately.

Does this mean I'll have to work full time? I don't think my lazy, Arts student body can cope with that! Early mornings, for a start...

I feel like doing a panicky little dance and waving my hands like Homer Simpson.

Calm blue ocean. Calm blue ocean... Breathe...

Rightio. I suspect that I've lured a few more people into doing Nanowrimo. Ah, but I need people to suffer along side me! 2000 words a day, though... Thank god it doesn't have to make sense. I can just type and type and yell at my flatmates to turn their loud punk music down and type and type.

I'm thinking of compiling a Nanowrimo playlist. Definately some Muse and Silverchair for those classic 'I'm ever so arty and lost in my work' moods, and something upbeat and funky for the 'Isn't this great! I'm being creative!' moods.

Grah. Someone tell me what to do next. I'll just keep having a panic attack while I wait.

Has anyone seen my paper bag?


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