Thursday, October 13, 2005

I did a NaNoWriMo test last night. I sat down and typed as fast as I could for about twenty minutes. It was all stream of conciousness, and made no sense. It's the sort of thing I'd do to get started on a piece. To get the mind going. I managed just over 2000 words in that twenty minutes. Not bad, I thought. I suppose that 'the novel' is going to have to be slightly more coherant than that, but it certainly bodes well.

Silverchair seems to be quite good writing music, but I knew that already. I'm going to make a Silverchair/Muse playlist for 'deep thought mood.'


At 1:38 pm, Blogger Jess said...

How on earth can you write with music going at the same time? I end up typing out the lyrics.

At 4:07 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

Ah, music is the best when writing! Not all music, of course. But some... oh yes. I find Enigma sets my fingers to typing at twice their usual speed. The words just flow out when the right music is on. I wrote most of my finished book to Enigma. Now listening to it takes me back to the forests it was set in...

But Muse are very good too. And a lot of Coldplay stuff just sets my creative mind whirring.

Music and writing are made for each other. :)

At 4:27 am, Blogger La Tulipe said...

Rian expects the last 25000 words in RIAN'S attempt shall be:


At 6:15 am, Blogger skittledog said...

Personally I'm aiming towards I AM A FISH...if I decide to do it at all.

Ye writers scare me.

At 11:06 am, Blogger Emma said...

We're not scary, Skits. *twitches*

And yes, writing and music are made for each other. Shane absolutely SWEARS by Muse as good writing music. It depends a lot on what you're actually writing, I think. Something boppy for light airy pieces (so, crappy pop music) and moody emotional music for the "serious" stuff.

In year 12, we studied to classical music, because it's supposed to open channels in your brain. (Or something.)

*snigger* My friend Katherine once said that if she had a band, she'd call it Redrum.


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