Saturday, December 03, 2005

This Is How It Goes...

So, I got my uni results. They came to me in the form of a completely undignified text-message. Actually, I had forgotten all about them. I was sitting in the tea room at work scoffing down a curry before I started my shift and my phone went off. I thought it was from Erika, perhaps asking about how Sean's tattoo went, but it was my results.

Australian Literature, I was one mark off a Credit. Fair enough, because as much as I enjoyed the actual subject, I just couldn't commit to it as much as I could with say Fiction. It was a 59, and I was happy with that. Shakespearean Mythmaking scored a 73, which is actually pretty damn good. I'm very happy with that. It means that my last essay was really good. I must have gotten at least a Distinction. Editing I got a Credit. Hey, that's actually not too bad. I thought I arsed up the subject completely, but there you go. It turns out that 61 was the end mark. It's not great, but I was really terrible at it, so that's good for me. And Fiction, well. I got my first ever High Distinction for a study score. A nice solid 80, no less. I'm really proud of myself for getting that mark. I really worked hard in that subject, and it's nice to know that it paid off.

I also got my honours acceptance. I have mixed feeling about it, really. Of course I'm really happy that I made it into honours, and I'm proud that I managed to make the grade. All of my friends got in as well, which is wonderful! All of them that applied, anyway. If I wasn't going to Sweden and America and deferring a year, I would be running with same crowd again. We could have another year of hijinks and merriment. I love hanging out with those guys, they're just the best. I would love to spend a year bitching and moaning to them about the workload and getting tipsy in the pub after classes. But it's not going to happen. Of course I want to go to Sweden and see Ash and I'll know I'll have a wonderful time over there, but I'm realising what I'm going to have to sacrifice to do so. I'm going to be upheaving my life.

Maybe it's for the best. Maybe I'll get out of my little rut and have a wonderful adventure. But I like my little rut. I'm happy here. Everything is working for me. But it's still going to pale to any time that I spend with Ash. I hate the fact that this is such a hard decision, but I've already made up my mind, right? I'm going, and that's that. I just hope that people don't forget about me when I'm gone.


At 5:56 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

Congrats, Em! Knew you'd do well. :)

Change is always hard. Take it from someone who knows. But crossroads bring all sorts of new possibilities that you'd never come across otherwise. And you never know, I might hop over the North Sea and visit you in Sweden sometime. ;)

But what, oh what, have you done to your blog?? Bah. Don't like it. The old one was far more you.

*crosses arms and sulks a tiny bit, mumbling more about hating change*

At 10:42 am, Blogger Emma said...

You don't like it? I didn't really like the old one... If you want to fiddle with it, you're perfectly welcome to!

And thank you. *grin*

At 11:03 am, Blogger myo said...

Change is good for non-myo people.
You'll be fine, em.

And speaking of change ... what happened to the blog word verification thingy?
Comes to something when you cannot even comment on your very own blog without turning it off.

Joins flowyks ...
*crosses arms and sulks a tiny bit, mumbling more about hating change*

At 2:16 pm, Blogger daisy said...

I'm sure no one will forget you Em. You're not the forgettable type. :D

I'm always so jealous of people who have the guts to go on grand adventures. Staying in your rut is nice and comfortable, but I'm sure you'd regret staying in it far more than doing something new.

At 2:22 pm, Blogger H said...

About forgetting you... what Daisy said.

Change is good!

Looks at self in Ohio where I have been for 9 years....

Change is good!

Next year you will meet others and gain new insights.

At 10:11 pm, Blogger Jess said...

Yeah, here's another person rooting for change. You need it to put other things into perspective.

Go have fun.

(But change your blog cause there isn't enough colour on this one :p)

At 10:48 pm, Blogger myo said...

Oh no em ... don't change the colours!
This is perfect as it is.
The colours remind me of Great White sharks, and Grey Nurse sharks and ... and ... oh ... the dash of red colour up the top makes me think of red t-shirts.

At 6:55 am, Blogger transparency said...

New roads waiting M!
Good luck!
May you encounter wonderful things on your way!


At 3:54 pm, Blogger Emma said...

I think I'll make the red on top a little more red. Does anyone know how to fiddle with the colours?

And yes, change is good. I'd be a completely different person if I'd never moved to Melbourne and gone to uni. I wouldn't have met half of my dearest, closest friends. That, and I'd probably be fat and married to some guy who still works in IGA. (Not that there's anything wrong with that...)

I suppose it's just that this seems to be the dream right now. Working and writing and working. It's all going so well! I'm a happy girl, and I want to stay happy. Of course, when I'm with Ash... *happy little sigh* I'm so happy I nearly cry. Sometimes do. (There's the mushy content covered.)

Change is good. Besides, think of how many Hobblings I'm going to get to visit! (Again. Woo!)

Oh, and I switched off word verification because it wouldn't let me post. I'll switch it back, I think.

At 10:37 pm, Blogger myo said...

Find the blog header section that looks like this:

/* Blog Header
----------------------------------------------- */
#header {

and change #710 to something redder
like say #C00
... you can't get much redder than that.

And then when you decide that you don't like it, go here:
and pick another red.

At 11:50 pm, Blogger Emma said...

*fiddles with HTML*

Is that better? It's very, very red. *drools*

At 4:26 am, Blogger biped said...

Wow, Em - I am rather proud of you, honours girl.

At 7:20 pm, Blogger myo said...

I would like to post a general apology to everyone.
It was very remiss of me to tell emma how she could make her blog redder.
* staggers off to get some soothing eye drops *

At 8:41 pm, Blogger Jess said...

*blinks away the dots*

I stil think the lime green was worse.

At 3:30 pm, Blogger Emma said...

It's not that bad, is it? *injured look*

At 9:25 pm, Blogger Jess said...

No ;) Besides, it'd be against EmmaLaw for you not to have a bright blog.


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