Thursday, January 12, 2006

The Group

So, last night I got picked up and driven to Lisa's place. Shane and Age took care of the driving, which I am of course eternally thankful for. We went to the supermarket and got supplies (including a couple of bottles of very acceptable red) and went back to her place, where we watched Will and Grace and Charmed with her parents. Rose McGowan is still preeeetty. Aside from that, I had no idea what was going on. We cooked, and ate, and drank, and piled into Lisa's part of the house to get snuggy on a couch and watched Garden State. God, I love that movie.

In short, a good time was had by all.

That'll do, then.


At 12:55 pm, Blogger keppet said...

I am amazed at how Rose McGowen smiles and then, somehow, smiles even more. With a little shrug. It is quite... cute.

Okay now I am shuddering with horror at the cuteness.

At 4:35 pm, Blogger Emma said...

Heh, yes. She is cute, isn't she?


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