Friday, May 12, 2006

What Turned Out to be Torrential

Yesterday was a spectacular day, so I thought I'd sit down and write about it. And it's about time I did something interesting, because I think this blog is getting boring. But I have achieved a lot today, after the other night's little teary. 'I'm useless,' I said.

Well, I don't feel that way any more. Actually, right now I'm sort of buzzing, because I managed to sit down and scrawl out a dozen paged or so of notes for the novel. It's been sitting around in my head for weeks, but it's all been in such a big tangle that I didn't even want to try to make sense of it. I tried writing it all out, but that sort of failed.

I hit it from the wrong angle. Now, of course, I've unsnarled a lot of it, and the words are coming fast as anything. So excuse my hurried and untidy entry, but I've turned on the tap, and now it's not going to stop. That's a wonderful thing. I've got so much sorted out in just a few hours. I've been hit with ideas and quirks and chapter outlines, and have jotted them all down in a big untidy heap. I'm using that word a lot today, but I'm excited and I can't help it.

It's such a good feeling, though. Unblocking the pressure. I feel like I've been popped with a pin. I was so frustrated because I had this fantastic idea that was all over the place, and completely unworkable and complicated and hard, but now it's got some sort of order, and I can see it working and coming together.

I also sound like I'm drunk. Hah. I'm not. Just on a high from creativity. I'm sure Sky (amongst others) knows exactly what I'm talking about. I might be sitting here listening to music and clattering away on the keyboard like some normal person, but I'm doing a mental jig because I've found a way into the big scary idea that's been hanging over my head for weeks, months.

Right, well, I should probably go and work on it, and stop rambling about how fantastic everything is. Don't know if I'm in a fit state to get stuck into it now - but on second thoughts, why not? I might as well run with this.

I'll come back later and tell you about why yesterday was so good. I wish I had photos, but I forgot my camera. I must take it with me when I go to Oldtown, it's my favourite place in Sweden.


At 3:14 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

Writing is the ultimate drug. *grin*

Ah, your post has made me happy! I know the feeling so well... wish I had it more often, mind you. It's just the best feeling in the world when the light comes on and that flow begins again, isn't it? You just don't ever want to stop writing and writing and writing.

Hee. I got over a block the other day too, although in a much more minor way. I'd been stuck at a section of my book for months, not knowing how to move onto the next bit, and suddenly it just happened, like a dam bursting, and now I have lots of ideas of how to get from one major section to the next. Such a great feeling. :)

At 4:14 am, Blogger keppet said...

Wow, you can think coherent thoughts and play a BAD at the same time? I would have thought it would ruin creativity.

At 6:48 am, Blogger Emma said...

I'm so stoked, Sky. I'm like a puppy frisking around the place.

And Kepp, it's because my character is pretty minor and I've been lazy...


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