Thursday, August 03, 2006

At Least She Played Good Music

So, the dentist. Oh, the dentist. She really was a very cool dentist, actually. And her assistant was also very nice, and translated things, which I was more than happy to have happen...

If you're new to this sanguine saga, I shall fill you in. For a few days, I had a weird pressure in/under my front bottom teeth. I rather thought it was wisdom teeth pushing things around, but it's actually a nasty infection that somehow got under the root of my tooth.

How? No idea. Apparently it's extremely rare to have an infection right under there. Lucky me. So, yesterday they filed a bit off the offending tooth, hoping that it was just pressure making it all swollen and yucky. Alas, no. The infection had gotten much much worse overnight, so they decided to 'open it up.'

This was when I started crying. I couldn't help it! I was horrified at the thought of them getting under my entire tooth to drive out an infection. The dentist was nice, though, and let Ash hold my hand the whole time. She numbed me up (needle was the worst part, actually) and drilled and blasted her way into the infected zone. Sounds awful, but actually not painful at all, thanks to dead nerves. Hooray! Nothing to writhe about in agony! Am happy that horrible mystery infection at least had the decency to kill off the painful bits.

So, when the dentist was jabbing metal spikes and pins into me, it didn't hurt. When she was injecting antibiotic into the nerve, it didn't hurt. And, when she levered up my tooth to get into the infection, it also didn't hurt. It did, however, feel weird and wrong. And now the gums around my tooth are all sore from the levering.

But all in all, it could have been much much much much worse. It was even a decent amount. Only $60, which isn't the horror story I thought it was. Next time (to remove temporary filling and put in a proper one) might be worse with the money, but insurance should definitely cover it.

Can't eat for 2 hours though. Should have had more than a banana for breakfast. Hungry! And in a bit of pain. Ah well, next time should be easy, as she measured everything and sorted it out.
Oh, and you probably shouldn't have read that if you're squeamish. Eh, sorry.


At 12:09 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

Ick. Poor, poor you. But the temporary deadening of nerves can be such a wonderful thing.

Aw, if I was nearer I'd have made you a lovely nutritious juice or beautiful fruity smoothie to get some nourishment into you. Soup for a few days, then?

At 1:34 am, Blogger Emma said...

Aw, thanks Sky! I think I can eat, if I'm careful. I've just had some water so far... Must have proper (careful) dinner. *grin*

It's actually feeling a bit better now. Silly teeth.

At 5:47 am, Blogger skittledog said...

Soup is always good although particularly hot/cold stuff can be very strange when the feeling's half back...

Well done you, anyway. I am trembling in terror at the need to find a dentist here, as one of my fillings fell out yesterday. Waaah.

At 7:32 am, Blogger No said...

aww poor Em!

Altho things are not as bad as they could have been, right?

I hate teeth, gums pains.

Glad you had a good dentist tho, and yay for Ash being allowed to stay with you.

And think of that, can you believe that it's actually warmer in Sweden than here now? I have 15°C and you have 16°C!! But you're in the 'big north' I should have warmer temps !! *shakes head in denial*

And Skit, loosing a filling is not very nice but don't wait too long before making it replace or then your tooth might break and that'll be worth... and more expensive to mend in the end.

At 7:34 am, Blogger No said...

I meant worse, not worth. of course.

*tired and frozen to the bone*

At 5:07 pm, Blogger Ata said...

Oooh, poor Em. That sounds baaaad. Glad it didn't turn out to be as painful as it coul dhave been, though. For both you and your bank account.

At 5:46 pm, Blogger myo said...

Poor poor em.


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