Sunday, September 03, 2006

Gröna Lund!

I'm so excited! I just came home from Gröna Lund, which is one of the theme parks in Sweden, right on the harbour. I had so much fun! The place was completely packed with kids and their parents and teenagers thinking they were cool for smoking and wearing black and adults trying to pretend they weren't pissing themselves with fear at the thought of going on the Drop Thingy...

Believe it or not, I'd never been on a roller coaster before... I've always been way too scared. So, I gathered my courage and decided to have a bash at the main coaster at the park, which, to be truthful, wasn't that big... But still, scary! I screamed my head off, but had a brilliant time!

We (Ash, myself, and her best friend Alina) also went on a Disco ride that spun you around in a circle at top speed and played Lordi and Tatu. Hah. We went on the Flying Carpet (Ash screamed) and the Viking Ship (Ash screamed and made horrible faces, and almost vomited on my lap) and the Octopus (I couldn't tell if she was screaming, but possibly...) I chickened out when it came to the Free Fall thing, though. It was so high! Ash said that it was completely terrifying (she screamed alllll the way down, all 200m, or two seconds...) After that, rode the Ghost Train (lame) and the Tunnel of Love (scary puppets, and Ash kept yelling at me for tipping the boat back and forth... heh... romantic...) and the Disco again.

The whole time I maintained that I was not going to go on the Wild Mouse. (I remember the story of decapitation from Luna Park.) It looked much worse than the normal coaster (that we went on again before closing) and I resisted until the last second... And then I went on it. Because I was feeling bold. So! It was heaps of fun! Much better than the other one!

Ash was screaming so hard and girlishly that I roared with laughter the entire time. And when we went around the corners really quickly way up high, she'd say 'No no no no no' in a plaintive little voice... hilarious. Mwahaha. I made Ash and Alina go on it again before closing.

If you ever go to Sweden, go to Gröna Lund. I had so much fun!


At 5:09 pm, Blogger Ata said...

I like mouse coasters. The Scooby-Doo one at Movieworld is great.


We plan to go on the Great Rollercoaster Tour next year. But we've been planning that for the last three years. Or is it four? I don't even remember anymore.

At 7:20 am, Blogger Emma said...

Oooh, yes, I've heard that the Scooby-Doo one rocks! My wonderful friend Iggy told me all about it. *grins* Sounds great!

You should go on the coaster tour. That'd be heaps of fun!

I wish I had of gone on more at Movie World, etc. when I was younger. Never mind, there's always time, right?

At 12:56 pm, Blogger Ata said...

There had better be! I'm always banking on there being more time!

At 8:28 pm, Blogger Jess said...

I went on the now ancient Lethal Weapon ride at Movie World when I was about 13 and completely shat myself. I don't know if I can go on another one... guess we'll see how far we'll go in LA, huh. ;)

At 3:36 pm, Blogger H said...

Ooooh, any Rollercoaster fans must visit me in the summer. Two hours from my house is Cedar point, which I typically go two a couple of times every summer and/or on an october weekend. It is often called the best Roller coaster park in the world.

My favorite is probably Millenium Force, though I love Raptor and am looking forward to the new coaster "Maverick" opening next summer.


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