Monday, August 28, 2006

Old Friends, Far Away

I haven't had much to post about lately, I've been extremely boring while Ash has been on holiday, aside from my exciting trip to Stockholm.

Back home, it was the farewell ceremony for a good friend of the family, Randall Percy. He was born in Ireland, but lived in my tiny little former home town, Chewton for many years. I used to love his accent when I was little. He always had something for the kids to do when we came around to visit. He even gave me a whole lot of kitchen things when I moved out of home. He was the one who contributed to the Brunswick Road household the disreputable rug that was in our lounge. (Forever soaking up kicked over drinks and collector of cat and Erika hair...)

Half of his ashes were scattered over in Ireland, half were scattered in Chewton. At the ceremony, they passed around a bottle of whiskey.

I'll miss him. Here's to Randall, and his little dog Poag.


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