Monday, April 23, 2007


It all went pretty damn well, actually.

I arrived on Friday night and was promptly fed, and then fed again. Mmmm, pizza. For some reason, we all then (and by 'all', I mean Mum, Rick, Grandma, Dale and I) watched The Mask of Zorro. What? There was nothing else on, and I wanted to perve on Catherine Zeta Jones. Then it was pretty much bed, and up early the next day.

I was woken up by the radio at about 6.30am (a common occurance when staying in Castlemaine. Cursed morning people! One day our kind will rule the world! Mwahahaha!) I sat around drinking tea and then took the dogs for a walk until it was time to pick Ash up from the station. She'd stayed in Melbourne to go and see Paul Stanley (which was awesome, she says.) Then, Grandma and Mum and Ash and I went and had coffee (tea) and cake at one of the cool local cafes. We did some shopping, then headed home to start getting ready. It was raining quite heavily at this point.

We sat around, eating and drinking and getting ready for a while. One of Mum's friends came over to do her hair and makeup and everything, and actually braided my hair really nicely. Yay for good friends. Eventually, we were all in our glad-rags and ready to go. A few of us went to the gardens to wait for Mum, and set up the little table and got out some drinks. Ash and I went to take a photo of Mum's arrival, and saw a car almost smash into theirs. Idiots. Everyone was OK, though. (Note: Just as we arrived, there was a minor car crash on that corner. Those people were fine, but it was a bit scary...)

Everyone got to the gardens, there were a hundred photos taken (I'll upload some when Ash has her camera here) and Mum and Rick got married. It was a simple little ceremony, but it was lovely. I basically just stood there holding flowers trying not to cry. I think Ash cried. Aw. After it was all over, there were more photos, and then we retired to the reception to eat, drink and be merry.

The food was spectacular, and the alcohol was plentiful. As I mentioned on the board, Ash and I accidently drank a $50 bottle of wine... We didn't know at the time! Argh! (But it was very good. Mmm, wine.)

Sunday, we didn't do much but eat. I love going home. Photos are forthcoming!


At 10:16 pm, Blogger Jess said...

Aw. Sounds wonderfully quiet and lovely.

At 10:19 pm, Blogger Skywolf said...

Yay! Photos! And yes, it does sound lovely. There's something so nice about simple, happy weddings.

At 11:58 pm, Blogger Ata said...

Aw, noice. Hustle up with the piccys.

At 11:30 am, Blogger Emano said...

When our kind rule the world, sunrise will be at 9:00 AM.

At 9:22 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had fun at our wedding Em and Ash,
I love you
from Mum


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