Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Listy Goodness

I'd forgotten how good it is to sit down and write a big to-do list when you're stressed out. I suppose it makes you feel that you have control over that little thing, at least, even if there are a million things that you have to do.

I've been really slack about a few things lately, and that's gotten me into trouble, least of all the fact that horrible Centrelink cut me off because I hadn't taken in my lease for the fourth time.

Honestly, they expect me to play by their rules (which I do) and jump when they say jump, and yet they'll harrass me for something that they've seen on a number of occasions AND have photocopies of! Their reason was 'We need to know if your circumstances have changed, if someone has moved in, or if you've been staying somewhere else.' OK, fine, but how is my lease going to show that? Pfft, they're freaking annoying.

Anyway, all honours to the list. May it structure for ever more...


At 11:11 pm, Blogger Skywolf said...

Lists rock. I frequently live my life by them. They are absolutely indispensable during times of chaos and clutter. They can just take your mind from a state of frustrated stress and re-order it all perfectly and calmly. Give your brain a break - let the paper do all the remembering.


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