Tuesday, May 01, 2007


After two or three days of feeling absolutely horrible (and with a mystery illness that really didn't make sense) I've bounced back in a major way. Bounce! It probably has quite a bit to do with a number of things:

- Seeing people! James and Eck cheered me up after I met them in the city. We organised to hang out on Friday night, and I offered a ticket to Spidey to James. He squeed like mad, it was adorable. Which leads into...

- Spidey on Thurs! Cue getting really excited! Ant and James are both pumped, which rocks, because going to see a movie with people who are dying to see it somehow just makes it better. It's going to be awesome to hang out with them both for a while, and Spidey! Eeee! There are posters everywhere. I'm so so so excited. Must take a deep breath.

- Surprise Silverchair ticket! Oh my god, how much better can it get? Basically, the deal was that I responded with an 'I love that song!' when a uni friend of mine started singing All Across the World. She turned around and said 'I'm going tomorrow night and I have a spare ticket. Want to come?' OF COURSE I DO. Eeee! Eeeee again! I seriously wish I could bring everyone with me, because I'd love to have the concert experience with everyone, but I'll have to be satisfied with calling madly throughout the show instead. Yay! Yay! YAY!

- I went to Centrelink and they weren't absolute bastards! I almost fell off my chair when I got a perfectly lovely person putting my form through. They do exist after all!

- Panadol and it's little friend the anti-inflammatory! Seriously, I felt one million percent better after dosing myself up real good. I don't know about you, but after suffering disgustingly bad headaches for three days (it was like daggers in my temples when I stood up...) relief is like Christmas. No idea why Panadol wasn't working when I was sick on the weekend. And yes, I did drink water. Lots and lots of water. And I took zinc, just in case.

- Homework done! Or the parts that I needed to get other things done, at least! Progress which means I don't need an extension! Hurrah!

Yep, things are actually working out marvellously well. I might just go over here, have a sing to Silverchair and do a little dance. If you don't mind.


At 9:28 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh EM
Just thought I'd read your blog to catch up on what you are doing.
I love reading it.I have sent you an email this morning.
Hope to catch up soon with Grandma,
LOVE you
MUM xxxxxxxx

At 9:29 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh and I hope you are better.I have been sick too,

At 11:13 am, Blogger Emma said...

See? My Mum thinks I'm cool.

At 10:54 pm, Blogger Skywolf said...

Heh. I think your mum is cool herself. :)

At 12:28 am, Blogger Q said...

Awwwww. Em's Mum reads her blog! That's so adorable I think I just got diabetes.

I will love you forever for ringing me from Silverchair. Even filtered through a crappy mobile phone, Tuna in the Brine made me smile so hard my face hurt.


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