Friday, June 01, 2007



- I got my new BSG patch from!

- I'm listening to George RR Martin's reading and Q&A from his Second Life appearance!

- I'm eyeing the fresh shiny BSG DVDs that Q sent me!

Yep. I'm a nerd. And I'm happy.


At 11:51 pm, Blogger Jess said...

Why in the heck was Martin in Second Life?

At 9:05 am, Blogger Emma said...

He was doing a reading from his new book there so that everyone could hear it. I guess he felt sorry for the people who could never make his readings!

Ash recorded it for me, so I just heard the audio. It was quite good, actually!

At 8:46 pm, Blogger No said...

oh crap, I missed that, and I knew about it!

any chance to have that you could somehow make a mp3 of it and send it to me? pleeease?

Is it a brand new chapter or is it one he already posted on his website?

At 8:57 pm, Blogger Emma said...

No worries, Nadine, I'll email it to you! Or I'll get Ash to email it to you...

He read a Davos chapter from ADWD! It was actully really cool. *grin*

At 9:55 pm, Blogger No said...

Oooooohh thanks a lot!!!

A Davos chapter?! wowwoowow I'm eager to hear that! *wild grin*


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