Saturday, January 24, 2009

Complaints/Boundless Enthusiasm

I'm completely exhausted, and I really should crash. But I feel like posting, because today has kind of been spectacular, or at least most of it. Work, although somewhat full on, as it has been all week, is getting better. And it was Casual Friday, which just makes me ever so pleased. Turning up to work wearing Nikes, faded jeans and a black Bonds t-shirt makes me a very happy girl.

Oh god, I'm too tired to be interesting. I blame sleeping about four hours last night. Obviously it takes no effort at all to convince me that staying up disgustingly late is a wonderful idea when I start at 8.30am.

But this post wasn't meant to be about the tired! No, I want to talk about all of the good things that have come of tonight, and they include the beginning of an effort to run. I kind of wish I could run five kilometers and not collapse. So I'm actually going to try. Not all at once, but Tran and I totally made the effort tonight. It was better than I thought, and when I got home (after muuuch stretching) my muscles were all warm and languid and good, and it made me feel fantastic. Hurrah for endorphins!

Also, the running kick-started my creative brain, which has been working overtime lately, anyway. I haven't written this much in years. There's some influence, something in the air that is magically conducive to violently high levels of creative output. I'm tapping bits of poetry into my phone nearly every day, I've been editing old pieces in my head and will hopefully get around to fixing them properly, and best of all...?

I'm now writing a play. Goddamn theatre influence in my life! But I had the most perfect idea for a monologue, and it kind of just exploded into characters and symbolism and people and music and I sat and made pages and pages of notes while Tran made green curry and we listened to the Shortbus soundtrack.

I just fucking love it. I'm writing a play. And it's actually going to be awesome. That is, if I ever manage to get it staged. But we'll see, there's always plenty on in Melbourne, something will work out.


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