Saturday, August 20, 2005

Travel plans are being made for next year.

I feel as if I'm standing on the rail of a ship with everything open ahead of me. I can go anywhere I want next year, after my three year course is over. I think I've really had quite enough of writing literature essays at this point, and I'm lusting after adventure.

I stayed up until 3am last night sitting on the couch and talking to Erika. It was one of those really good discussions, you know? All over the place and random, but touching on things that are important. I've decided that if I get into honours, I'll take a year off and come back. If I don't (which is possible, because I'm horribly slack) I'll do short courses in Broadcasting and Remedial Massage. Possibly Accupuncture. I can see myself working on either radio or as a massage therapist whilst writing on the side. I might even work in hospitality to keep things interesting. I guess I'm the sort of person who needs difference and excitement. Also, you can do things like massage and writing anywhere...

Things are opening up. It makes me smile.


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