Saturday, February 04, 2006

Packing Up

I started cleaning my room today in order to prepare for the Big Pack Up which is supposedly happening on the 5th of March. I'm flying out on the 8th, and will be off and about in the world until sometime in October.

Good lord. I have so much stuff! Even my bookshelves are crammed full of photos and old teddies and an oil burner and a big smooth rock and a mask and an old tin of Castlemaine Rock and a broken camera and little glass sculptures and an old postcard and a hundred other things. I'm going to need a million cardboard boxes to contain all of the assignment sheets and essays and course handbooks and handouts that I accumulated over my three years of uni.

And then there's the clothes. I've already taken a huge bag down to the op shop after cleaning out my drawers, but I have many many more items to sift through.

I'm hoping that this one big clean out will be good. I'll get rid of the useless things that do nothing but gather dust in corners. I'll pass on old wearable clothes to people who'll actually wear them, and have much less confusion when it comes to packing my bags.

And then there are the goodbyes to say. I suppose the downside of having lots of friends is that you have to say goodbye to them all at one point or another. I'm not going forever, but it's a damn long time. I doubt that most of the Auto staff will still be there when I get back. Hopefully some of them will email me or keep in touch. Uni friends will be ok, because I know that they'll mail me with news and message me when they miss me. The board isn't going anywhere, which is a damn good thing. My brother hardly sees me anyway, so I doubt he'll be too upset. Mum is going to miss me, though. I'll be away for her 50th. At least I'll be able to call her? She knows how to use email now, so she can probably manage to mail me.

I'm really going to miss Erika and James and Sean. They're practically family. Erika likes to call us her 'down in Melbourne family.' Still, I can pester them with 3am phone calls and little Swedish packages and postcards.

Ah, I'm going to cry my eyes out at the airport, I can just tell.


At 4:34 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

The great thing about friends who are practically family is that you know they'll always be practically family. You may not see them for a while, but you'll still have them. And it's all the more fun when you finally do see them again.

Plus, with the inundation of boardies you'll be catching up with, you won't have time to miss anyone... ;)

At 7:04 pm, Blogger Emma said...

You're quite right, I suppose. *grin* They'll all be here when I get back!

And yes, I get to visit Hobblings! That's bloody brilliant!

At 10:03 pm, Blogger biped said...

Leaving friends behind temporarily to go off and do fun things is the birth right of every australian, no?

At 10:35 pm, Blogger shami said...

shami is filled with admiration for Emma's early start at packing.
shami's experience is usually a dreadfully last minute rush.

The only disadvantage of travel is that you make so many "homes" around the globe that you start feeling homesick for one or more of them wherever you are... But the sheer excitement keeps you buoyant.


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