Tuesday, February 28, 2006


I got so many things done today that I've been meaning to get done for an age. I'm so happy with that! I managed to completely clean out my previously crammed-with-clothing wardrobe and cull four or five huge bags of clothes from the mess. I'll keep most of them, I suppose. I'm always surprised at the number of Rock Eisteddfod shirts that I have. I must have about seven or eight from various years.

I went tea-shopping and dissolved into a puddle of delight at the new range at T2. I really must send some to Keppet before I go. Arctic Fire, Honey Honey or Madagascan Vanilla?

I also managed to tinker with my blog without exploding my computer or causing the internet to meltdown. Very pleased with that, actually. I don't feel like it's boring any more!

The later part of the evening was spent chatting to Ash, then sitting around with the Boys drinking several cups of tea and listening to the Strokes as well as a CD of Love Song Syndications. I also curled up in one of their comfortable chairs and scrawled into my leather notebook with my rubicund pen and giggled over Shane and I talking nonsense about Sombreros.

I should probably clear the clothes off my bed so that I can get to sleep.


At 8:13 am, Blogger academiannut said...

Wow, I really like the background asian script. Awesome.

At 1:40 pm, Blogger Ata said...

Arctic Fire! Arctic Fire!

If, of course, it is the Arctic Fire that Ata knows. It has little blue cornflower petals in it and tastes somewhat like boiled lollies. Mildly disconcerting at first, but you get used to it.

At 2:34 pm, Blogger Emma said...

Ah, there you go. I'll have to go tea shopping one more time before I leave, eh? *grins*

And thanks Fedwren!

At 5:00 pm, Blogger daisy said...

I saw some T2 tea at the airport yesterday and thought of you. Is that a YK..?


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