Monday, March 20, 2006


Last night I sat in front of the computer until my eyes went blurry, tracking down possible publication opportunities and scouting for competitions. I am firm in my resolve to get work out there, to have pieces published and to make some kind of name for myself. I also wrote a few pages of notes for the novel idea that has been gnawing on me lately. I can acually see enough of the characters and setting and conflict for the whole thing to flesh out. Sure, it might be terrible, but I have it all there in my head, waiting to be written and shaped.

I love that feeling. The clamouring of ideas in your head that need attention. Of course you can ignore them, but taking hold of them and giving them shape feels so much... better. More productive.

I want to be a better writer. And I think that the only way that's going to happen is to keep on with it. To learn more about creating a wonderful narrative. Of course it's slow and hard, but what else am I to do? I have to get better! Because I want to improve.

I guess we'll see.


At 10:31 am, Blogger biped said...

I expect at least one finished novel by the time you leave sweden.

At 11:11 am, Blogger academiannut said...

Yes, it is a learning process. Many of my favorite authors wrote terrible stuff early on and only found their voice after plugging away for a while. So just keep working at it and be sure to mention Hobblings when you finally get published :)

At 8:42 am, Blogger La Tulipe said...

One canna grab one's dream unless one reaches for it, yes?

Do not give up.

At 9:36 pm, Blogger Emma said...

*smiles* Thanks guys. I have at least one promising reply sitting in my inbox at the moment.

It's a good start, I suppose!

I went to sleep last night dreaming of plot-twists... *grin*

At 10:18 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

Go, Em!!

You'll get there. You will... you're already a terrific writer. Practice will only make you even greater. *smile*


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