Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Culture War

So, today we went off on a little trip to Ikea. It was sort of strangely exciting because I hadn't even been to the one in Richmond, let alone a proper Swedish one. It was disgustingly confusing, but I was enchanted by a whole lot of the little rooms that they'd set up. One of them had banana curtains. And one of them had a bathroom that was more or less shielded from public view... So we snuck in there and made out, then joked about getting kicked out and suing for discrimination. Heh.

Tonight we're off to an Australian themed restaurant/bar called Croc's Inn, which has Foster's logos emblazoned on the doors and a poster in the window saying 'Come on in and say G'Day.' I think I may actually die laughing. I wonder if we'll get a chance to eat emu or crocodile? Never tried those, but have had kangaroo a couple of times.

From the most Swedish thing ever to an Aussie haven, eh?

Today wasn't so cold, I could walk around without my Warm Jumper on and even without gloves! It was a welcome change from the near-midnight stroll at -12 last night. My boots froze.

And now we're off to Croc's.


At 6:41 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

I've had crocodile. It was... unusual. Kind of reminded me of pork, but different. And it had large pieces of fat throughout, which put me off rather. I always like to say I've tried something before dimissing it, though, so yeah. Had it. But probably wouldn't eat it again.

I dare you to go into the restaurant and say 'G'day' loudly.

At 7:47 am, Blogger Emma said...

Hah. Meal was good, aside from patronising guy from Perth.

I have a present for you, keep an eye out on the post!

At 8:26 pm, Blogger Jess said...

Oh no, themed restaurants already! Getting the kitsch over and done with as fast as possible? ;)

At 8:15 am, Blogger academiannut said...

Ikea - how funny that you went there! I wouldn't see the point unless I were buying furniture, but it's just so appropriate.

I'd never think twice about whether to eat crocies. *shudder*


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