Friday, March 17, 2006

Have/Have Not

While in Sweden, I have:

  • Blushed and stammered my way through several encounters with Swedes. I simply cannot maintain my confidence when I have no idea of what to say to people.
  • Eaten far too much chocolate. But it's dark, so it doesn't count.
  • Learned that thermal pants are vital to my survival, no matter how much they make Jes laugh.
  • Discovered Angel. Oh my, but he is a handsome boy.
  • Found snow pretty on many many occasions.
  • Realised that I'm living with my girlfriend. Woah.
  • Made a joke about burying a dead body under ice then watched a news story about police finding a body under ice.
  • Eaten at an Aussie themed restaurant and sniggered at paintings of emus.
  • Socialised more than I thought I would.
  • Gloated time and time again over the fact that I'm avoiding Commonweath Games trouble.
  • Got songs from Swedish Eurovision finalists firmly stuck in my head.
  • Eaten Vegemite every day.
  • Had a snowball fight, much to the disapproval of a man walking behind Ash and I.

Have not:

  • Learned any Swedish other than 'Tack' and 'Banan.'
  • Called work. I'm sure they'll be flat out and I don't want to pester them.
  • Done any constructive writing. I'll get to it.
  • Died from the cold. Again, woah.
  • Been surprised by cars driving on the 'wrong' side of the road. Perhaps I'd be slightly more shocked if I drove myself.
  • Lost anything. I'm actually organised for once in my life.

I have more to add, but my traitor brain can't think of them at this point in time. God bless the edit button.


At 2:56 pm, Blogger Jess said...


I just can't stop picturing you in these bright red, slightly damaged, daggy long johns. Long johns! Bwah ha ha ha ha!

Oh, it's great. :D

At 9:16 pm, Blogger Emma said...

Pfft. They're actually dark blue, and not really baggy at all.

And shut up! They're warm! *grin*

At 1:24 am, Blogger keppet said...

Mmmm Angel.


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