Saturday, March 18, 2006

Out of Body

I just had the weirdest experience. I think that I was playing with things that I don't really understand, and quite rightly feel odd.

Perhaps I should start from the start. That might help. And I'm telling you right now that I probably sound completely mad. For that, I apologise.

Remember when I was talking about the White Light trick? It's basically a shield against negative energy, taught to me ages ago by my mother. I've used it when I've felt threatened or bombarded with too many people... Like on the tram, when a whole lot of crazy people get on and start swearing and fighting. Just as a bit of a back-up. Well, a step up from that is the cleansing part. Supposedly, if you have negative energy in you, you can pull it out and encapsulate it within white light, therefore getting rid of it, right? Until tonight, I wasn't quite sure if it worked (still not) but what the hell, right? Can't do any harm.

After an hours-long chat with Ash, I attempted to clear something from her. A negative energy. What my mother would call a 'gorbie.' You know, something... wrong. This is going to sound completely odd, but... It was hard. I used the shield trick, and tried to get rid of it... And I think it went. Afterwards, I felt all weird and shaky and... Not myself. Not myself at all. But, I think I'm better now...

Wow. That was completely weird. I shouldn't mess around with that shit. I must sound nuts, but I felt completely strange afterwards. Like I had been drinking or I was on something. Huh.

I guess I'm feeling better now. But still. That was really, really weird.

And I sound nuts. Oh, good.


At 9:53 pm, Blogger Jess said...

You don't sound nuts.

Ok, this might turn out to be long.

"Supposedly, if you have negative energy in you, you can pull it out and encapsulate it within white light, therefore getting rid of it, right?"

I've been doing this to myself ever since I can remember, but I never knew about the White Light thing until you blogged about it.

" I attempted to clear something from her. A negative energy."

Ok, so I had no idea you could do it other people. Should have guessed really.

I don't use it very often, basically because it takes a *lot* of energy. But when I do, it's always at the end of the day when I'm in bed. I can just fall asleep afterwards. It usually takes enormous focus to 'cleanse' myself (god I feel like a hack writing this), and can sometimes take quite a while, so I can imagine that trying it on someone else would take higher concentration.

It's not dangerous, it's just exhausting. If you try it again, my only advice would be just to sleep straight afterwards. You'll feel normal in the morning.

At 12:36 am, Blogger Emma said...

I was so shaky and weak afterwards... It felt so strange. I'm fine now, though.

*stretches* And it was worth it. Ash feels much better.

At 6:10 am, Blogger Emano said...

I'm not being witty, I just wante you to know you're being read.

I don't know if I remember you blogging about this before-- when was it? Maybe I just forgot because I didn't get it.

At 6:18 am, Blogger Emma said...

Thanks Emano. *grin* No need to be witty...

I blogged about using the White Light trick somewhere. Can't remember which post, though.

I guess it sounds like a lot of mumbo-jumbo. Still, it made me feel completely weird, so there may just be something to it...

At 11:21 am, Blogger myo said...

i don't have any comment to make about the Out of Body post either.
I'm just posting here like emano to say that i am reading your blog.
And also to say how pleased i was to see that going overseas hasn't stopped you blogging.

Sometimes without the comments, i guess it can seem your blog is being ignored.
*narrows eyes thoughtfully*
I think it is all skits fault. She is hogging all the comments on her blog.

At 2:31 pm, Blogger Ata said...

I am reading your blog! I am! Like everyone else!

At 9:31 pm, Blogger transparency said...

Am too is reading. A scribe's blog, Em's blog cannot be but read.

At 11:40 pm, Blogger Emma said...

Hah, well there you go. *grin* Sorry for having a tanty. I know you all read, I was just feeling neglected the other night (and mainly by friends back in Melbourne, not Hobblings!)

Thanks for reading, everyone. I really appreciate it!

And yes, it probably is Skit's fault. *waves fist* But I can't blame her. She has the accent going for her.

At 5:44 pm, Blogger skittledog said...


When did I become comment queen? I don't have that many...there were just two posts which got a bit excessive. Personally, I think I'm suffering an anti-popularity backlash.

...which would be a new experience all round.

But yes, I too am reading. Of course. And, as you don't sound particularly nuts, will continue to do so. (Until you start screaming about the cheese bananas attacking.)

At 10:24 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

I do the white light thing too. Quite a lot, actually. I used to do something very similar - bathing the people I love in warm protecting thoughts (now I'm sounding like the nutter...), and then I read about the white light somewhere and realised it was almost exactly what I'd been doing. I just didn't realise other people did it too. Now I visualise the white light at the same time.

I've never tried removing negative energy, though, although I suppose it makes sense. I know it can be pretty draining focusing positive light strongly at someone, so I should imagine pulling out the negative stuff would be even more so. Hmm... more things to try. Fab. *grin*


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