Tuesday, March 07, 2006

And I'm Off

Last post, I think, before I go.


To all of my friends back in Melbourne, I say this. I'm damn well going to miss you! The Auto crew have been a family to me for years. And I doubt that I could get by a day without Eck, Leigh and the Boys. You guys are my core.

And Hobblings... Don't you worry. I'll be around. Promise.


At 10:07 pm, Blogger Skywolf said...

Oooh! I'm all excited for you.

Have a safe, non-stressful trip. See you in a sensible hemisphere soon! *grin*

At 12:21 pm, Blogger Emma said...

*dances nervously*

(Yes, sort of like the pee-dance)

Argh. Argh. Argh!

I leave for the airport in an hour...

At 8:16 pm, Blogger Jess said...

*waves* Not that it's much different for Hobblings, but see-ya. ;) Hope the flight isn't too traumatising.

At 5:09 am, Blogger Emma said...

Flight was traumatising...

More later. *grins*

At 12:32 am, Blogger transparency said...

Ooh, Em in Sweden? *grins*
*looks at map*
Not so far from Paris. *waves*


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