Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Radio Marathon

So, I just kept on going in the end. I had about four or five listeners that just kept on listening, and messaging, and even calling in a few times. The show was great, even though I was hung-over and was hungry and could really have used a few more bathroom breaks.

I had four or five large music folders that I could choose things from, and a couple of times I just picked random songs, or songs that I sort of knew but not really. It worked really well! The sms log went crazy (and thank god, it gave me something to talk about) and I had heaps of fun asking questions!

Ah, that was probably the best show I've ever done. It worked really well, and I had a great audience, and Hobblings played along too!

Of course, I'm never going to do four hours straight by myself ever again, but that's not the point of the story. The point is, I managed it. And I'm damn proud of myself for doing a good job and actually having a really good time while I did it!

...And I loved telling Hobbling stories on air.

"That is a HUGE DUCK!"


At 8:24 pm, Blogger Jess said...

Aw, I didn't even know you were on, otherwise I would have listened.

So is that really it or will you try to get another show up and running when you get back?

At 11:21 pm, Blogger Emma said...

That's it for now, but when I get back I expect that I'll be getting back into the swing of things! I've also made a few people promises that I'll get back into stand-up when I get back.

That would be cool, eh?

At 4:11 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

Oh... :(

I didn't know either. And I already feel bad enough for continually missing your other shows.

Ah well.

At 4:47 pm, Blogger Emma said...

No worries, Sky!

You'll have the real thing to entertain you before too long!

At 8:39 am, Blogger La Tulipe said...

"Ye did not mention my marriage proposal," says Rian, pouting childishly.

At 1:44 pm, Blogger Emma said...

I mentioned it on air, isn't that enough for you, my dear?

Ok, ok, everyone! Rian proposed! But sadly I had to turn her down...

Pity. *laughs*

At 7:49 pm, Blogger daisy said...

Unless Rian is a Mormon, I think she would have found some difficulty following through anyway.

At 3:16 pm, Blogger Emma said...

Alas, our love is doomed.


We must, of course, remain chaised. *sniggers*


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