Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Big Angel

I love finding new obsessions. Of course, I was pretty excited about S1, but it's just getting better and better until I want to become a sunlight-spurning creature myself, just so I can sit in the dark and watch more shiny deeveedees. Things are getting so complicated and spectacular and...

My alarm just went off for me to go and catch the bus.

You know you're addicted when you need to set an alarm so that you'll go back to normal life in time.

Just quickly before I go, I'm thinking when I get back to Melbourne, I'll rope one of my Buffy/Angel loving friends to do a radio talk show about 'em. I can play music from the soundtracks, as well as having quizes and character wars (Wes vs. Connor! Vote now!) and people calling in... And I can theme the shows and I'm really getting very excited about it already. I know Katie would be interested, if she's in the city next year, and I could probably bribe Shane.

Oooh, the possibilities. *rubs hands together*


At 7:33 am, Blogger skittledog said...

*laughs and dances the dance of joy*

Oh, yayness. Hee. I am grinning.

'Complicated and spectacular' - yep, that sounds about rightish. Ahh, Angel.

I want you to know I got home tonight and felt a longing to watch the first ep of season 4. But couldn't, obviously, as you have it. And yet it made me not annoyed, but happy at the thought of you eventually watching it. Heh.

Go on - plunge into the depths ahead. *grins*

At 12:00 pm, Blogger keppet said...

Please please please Em, keep telling your Angel thoughts. I am unable to experience the joy of new Angel episodes so I have to experience it through you.

Where are you up to?

At 10:03 pm, Blogger Skywolf said...

Sounds like an awesome prospect for a radio show, Em. *grin*

But - Wes vs. Connor?? As if there could ever be contest between the two. That's like saying Dawn vs. Cordy! One is so faaar superior in every way that the two don't even compare.

I miss Angel. *sigh*

At 2:55 am, Blogger Emma said...

*dances around* I watched 4 episodes yesterday, and that was even counting being interrupted to go out to dinner. Mwaha. I just watched... Redefinition. Very very good. Had a moment during 'The Shroud of Ramon' where I yelled 'Kate! Noo!' You know, standard stuff. Hmm, I'm really liking Dru at the moment. She's much more interesting when she's not playing second fiddle to Spike. And even Darla is growing on me in a baddie sort of way. (She's sort of on par with Glory at the moment.)

Will watch more and report back. *grin* It's just so damn *good*. It keeps getting better and better.

Aaah. Thank you, Skits and Biped, -thank you.-

At 7:37 pm, Blogger keppet said...

Glory is rubbish! Gah!

Could you see her moving everyone to tears by singing at Caritas? No. You couldn't.


At 5:16 am, Blogger Narrisch said...

A trans-continental call-in sing-along?

I can see it now.

At 6:10 am, Blogger Emma said...

But what would she sing? 'This is the closet thing to crazy I have ever been...'


At 7:49 am, Blogger Narrisch said...

"They got the mustard ouuuuuuuut...." ?


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