Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Look! An Update!

Well, I've been a lazy mole, haven't I? I think it's because Saturday night put me out of whack. I had intended to post a long rambling post about our adventures, but it has all nearly departed from my mind. Nevertheless, I shall attempt to recall some of it, seeing as it is a rather good yarn.

So, Ash and I (I'll try not to slip into the smug 'we' too often) had been invited out by friends of a friend, intent on showing us the Swedish night life. I was disgustingly excited, as I hadn't been out drinking and dancing in an age. So, Ash and I, after meeting friends A and Li on the train, found the boys waiting on the outskirts of one of the many squares that litter Stockholm. The guy who had invited us out (the spitting image of a young, gangly Hugo Weaving) was accompanied by a tall quiet guy. They took us to the club, in which we ordered drinks and sat on big squishy couches. The club was rather cool, with a mezzanine level overlooking the main bar and dance floor. Along the walls on both levels were little nooks with couches and low tables.

The drinks were bloody expensive, a simple Tequila Sunrise costing 88:- (or $15.90AUD). I was left alone with the two boys while the rest of the girls all went to the bathroom together. To my relief, young Hugo spoke fantastic English, and we nattered away until Silent Guy went to fetch the other boys. They arrived soon after the girls, and shall be known hereafter as Guy With Neatly Trimmed Beard and Glasses, Having a Strong British Accent (or B&G for short) and Faintly Nervous Yet Handsome Guy. I'm sure had he walked into Automatic, there would have been loud shouts of 'Moof Moof!' all around. In fact, I could probably guarantee it.

So, we all bounced from one dance-floor to another, dancing with much flailing of arms and head-nodding. Even Ash danced. Yes, she actually danced. Especially in the room that played chiefly Eurovision hits. I knew exactly one of the songs. Go me. Oh, and they played one ABBA song. Of course, my heart leapt when I heard the opening bars, but soon fell when I realised that they were singing in Swedish. Foiled!

After dancing for a couple of hours, we went back to young Hugo's place, to partake in house music and red wine. I had been previously astounded to learn that the Swedish public transport runs all night long. Not only that, but it runs at 15 minute intervals! And so, after consuming some red and chatting a bit, the two other girls and I made our way back to Södertälje. Ash and I ran into two of her friends from high school (who had just moved in together) and whom spoke extremely good drunken English.

Twas a fun night indeed. A word of advice? If you go out in Sweden, drink before you go. Otherwise you'll be disgustingly poor afterwards. Oh, and they print out receipts of every purchase, so you can actually calculate how much you spent on drinks the morning after. An activity, I surmise, that would be less than fun.

Aside from Saturday night adventures, I've been doing slag all. We went bowling yesterday. (I did pretty well.) I've become addicted to the game Caeser III, and tonight I'm going to do nothing but read more of 'Ash' by Mary Gentle, cook myself dinner and watch 'Desperate Housewives.'

Over and out.


At 5:34 pm, Blogger myo said...

"Oh, and they print out receipts of every purchase, so you can actually calculate how much you spent on drinks the morning after. An activity, I surmise, that would be less than fun."

hah. that amused me.

And are you enjoying Ash?
The book! I mean the book!

At 1:21 am, Blogger La Tulipe said...

Do not they ALWAYS print out receipts? Rian is confused.

At 7:33 pm, Blogger Jess said...

I'm very happy nobody gives out receipts here. I don't want to know.

At 9:26 pm, Blogger Emma said...

Yes, am enjoying THE BOOK Ash very much, actually. It's quite a solid read, isn't it? Feels like I've been reading it for ages now... Still, good.

And yes, we never get receipts. Ever. Unless you're sitting at a table and they give you an itemised bill. It was weird seeing how much things were like that...

Maybe that's why we Aussies are more reckless with our drinking...

At 6:52 pm, Blogger myo said...

Not all aussies drink, emma.
Not myo, anyway.
Or does that mean myo is not really an aussie?

The only way you'll get myo to imbibe alcohol is if you do something smart with it ... like wrap it up in dark chocolate, or add it to a gateau, or tiramisu it, or ... well, i guess you get the picture.


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