Friday, April 14, 2006

The Future?

It'll be either this or honours. Perhaps I'll do both? One after the other? You never know.

Is this it?


At 3:01 am, Blogger Skywolf said...

That looks brilliant, Em. And right up your street.

Writing is fabulous, and you should always do it. Always... you are too good a writer not to. But I reckon it's a good idea to specialise in something else as well, if only so that you can have guaranteed work and not have to completely rely on the fickle writing business to earn a living.

Anything you can do alongside writing has to be a good thing, eh? :)

At 7:22 am, Blogger Emma said...

Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking, Sky. *grin* I mean, I have done a course just for me, and now I think I want to do something that might get me some kind of work. You know, work that I like.

Besides, it's just a year. I can always go back to honours. Maybe I won't at all. I haven't quite made up my mind yet. Honours is still alluring, in some ways. It would be good to be able to write with someone helping me out.

I guess I'll have to think about it. But I'll probably apply and see what happens.

(And thanks for the compliments about my writing. *grin*)


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