Thursday, June 22, 2006

A Tale of Little Emma

When I was in year 7, we had a class on 'Studies of Society and the Environment' which was a mixture of history, social studies and culture. One day in this particular class, we were studying Ancient Egypt, a topic that I was very interested in, although at that point I didn't know to say 'Yay, polytheism!' but rather thought 'The gods are cool!'

The class was assigned some task or another, something to do with reading a passage from a text book and making notes. Whoever finished first was able to pick the topic of their project. I was very excited. I tore through the books, intent on finishing first so that I could study mummification. I scrawled as fast as I could, but to no avail. The new girl beat me to it. I scowled jealously at her as she went up the front to show her work and pick her topic. I scribbled the last of the work down and made my way to the front, hoping to be able to pick something as interesting.

'Hmm,' the new girl pondered. 'I think I want to do agriculture.'

'Agriculture?' I was flabbergasted. 'Mummies! I'm taking mummies!'

Does that sound like me?


At 9:32 pm, Blogger myo said...

I'm flabbergasted that you didnt find agriculture interesting, em.

For a moment there, i had this strong urge to put an h in flabbergasted. I tried it, and it looks totally wrong.
Maybe i was thinking of aghast.

I am aghast and flabbergasted at this spelling quandary.

Is there any connection between flabbergast and aghast?

Errr. What was the topic again?


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